2 Senate hearings on Bitcoin next week

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Pekelo, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Pekelo


  2. Pekelo


    The first hearing went well for bitcoin, the TL,DR: version is, "we cool, bitcoin OK, we have more important stuff to do."

    Best quote:"Cash is still the best method of laundering money".

    As a result Bitcoin has just reached $750... Up 200% since it took out the all time high 2 weeks ago...
  3. Make no mistake my friend, Bitcoin is here to stay.

    Creating a unique and worldwide currency is only one of the goals of the banksters and the elite. It's all part of the more global New Word (dis)Order program: One Government, one currency, one Bank, one "religion" (an anti-Christ "religion" of course) and total control of the population.

    Hitler himself couldn't have devised a more devilish plan.

    In the past we had gold and the price of goods and services was pretty stable for centuries (by the way, gold is a blessed currency in the Bible).

    Then the banksters created paper money and banks and later abolished the gold standard. Then they created Central banks to be able to create money out of nothing, under the false pretense of "regulating" the economy (yeah right!).
    Fact: since the FED was created the US dollar lost more than 95% of its value by the way.

    And now we have Bitcoin, the ultimate bullshit currency: money created by a computer. No need to even print money, just create it with a freaking computer!

    Anyway, don't even get me started on this subject :D
  4. Pekelo


    That is something new, that bitcoin is for the NWO.

    Anyhow, in the maintime, I wasn't watching it and it went up to 900 then crashed to 600 and now back at 780...

    Fun times we are living in!