2 Evils - Big Business(BB) vs Big Government(BG)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by loza, May 14, 2011.

  1. Real conservatives are an extinct species. The choice we have right now is between big-government Democrats and big-government Republicans. That's why I don't vote for either party.

    #11     May 14, 2011
  2. Ricter


    Centralized control has been exhibited for both of the big economic philosophies. Ours is of the rightwing flavor.

    Too much focus on spending, not enough on income. Our taxes are low, our spending is appropriate (for a nation of our size and reach), thus we have debt. Someone said recently that you were fair, in your condemnation of both "sides", but your post here is simple conservatism, monetarist style.
    #12     May 14, 2011
  3. Ricter


    I appreciate that you attempt to unify the culpable parties, no doubt your hope is to unify the electorate, so that forward progress could be made. But unification with bad ideas is a bad idea. The right's policy prescriptions at this time are flat out wrong. They are willfully ignorant of current conditions, being not so secret champions of a favored few. Looking at the data, ie. the facts, of our current predicament, low taxation, moderate spending, low inflation, record cash in corporate coffers, deleveraging by labor and capital, low interest rates, high unemployment, intensifying worldwide competition, it's clear that republican ideas are absolutely wrongheaded. There is no rational reason for unification with them.
    #13     May 14, 2011
  4. Lucrum


    I hear ya, last year with one or two exceptions I voted libertarian or independent right down the line. I didn't care whether I had ever heard of them or not, in most cases I had not.
    #14     May 14, 2011
  5. loza

    loza Guest

    This is exactly what the retarded neo-cons parrot, yet they, when must face the music have no idea what economy is the 21st century USA is going to be like if we do not make anything here anymore except crappy movies and meth.
    I am not leftist and anti-capitalist but lets face it, we do not have true capitalism anymore, freedom to start something and reap the rewards. It is harder than ever, and not always because of government regulation but very often because the big business will try to ruin you and they will not rest until they do.
    This shit will just smell more and more unless they will reform election and election financing or they WILL have a REAL tea party revolution, nobody will pay taxes, vote or worse.
    #15     May 16, 2011
  6. 377OHMS


    You are leftist.
    #16     May 16, 2011
  7. Ricter


    As are you!
    #17     May 16, 2011
  8. loza

    loza Guest

    ...and you act like president Trump...oops he is not running under the GOP banner, maybe you should, dipshit.
    #18     May 16, 2011
  9. elon


    Politicians of the last 20 years were not prepared for the speed at which the world is moving now. The internet was a surprise lubrication for economic motion.

    We'll be in a period of wild fluctuation until the world economy reaches a point of equilibrium. Its up to each individual to know this and ride the trends.

    The government is to big to worry about any individual. Every man for himself.
    #19     May 16, 2011
  10. 377OHMS


    lol a leftist libtard spewing the daily talking points:

    1) attack business
    2) attack business
    3) attack business

    blah blah blah. Not an original thought in your pointy little head.
    #20     May 17, 2011