13 Hospital Bankruptcies in 2019 State By State

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Stockolio, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/13-hospital-bankruptcies-state-by-state.html


    A study published in the Lancet, the Healthcare Access and Quality Index, ranked the U.S. 29th, way behind almost all other first world (and even some third-world) nations. Every other industrialized country provides each and every citizen lifelong, comprehensive, effective care, for half the price we pay per person. Picture having all your loved ones automatically covered from birth to death, and covered very well. No worries, mate.

    A million health care bankruptcies, sky-high rates with astronomical deductibles, and poor outcomes amount to an all-American Titanic disaster. The strange thing is, all folks onboard could survive, and very nicely, if resources were shared intelligently as in a National Improved Medicare for All, or NIMA system — as all other industrial nations have already demonstrated. Yet folks continue hugging their position on a lifeboat, afraid of giving up their crappy but privileged seat, while millions of the uninsured flounder around them in the frigid waters.

    What is the solution ? In Canada, our system works quite well... Why can't the Yankees get it together ? As much as I hate the Dems, I don't think the Republicans have the answer.
    ETJ likes this.
  2. Overnight


    A for-profit healthcare system can never work for the masses. It is the same tired mantra as how to avoid needing health-care in the first place..."Eat less and exercise."
  3. R1234


    If one of the Dem candidates, eg Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren made that their main agenda I might be tempted to vote for them. This current system we have is basically government condoned FRAUD
  4. MarkBrown


    i would not vote for a dem if they promised to give me "whatever attracts dumb assess" ..... you want something go earn it.
    apdxyk likes this.
  5. toc



    I am told in India at a decent i.e. not so fancy clinic of a doctor who went to medical school for 5 years and had to do mandatory residency for 3, the cost of procedure is $1 only. This micro fees would include doctor's consultation, prescription and pus drainage.

    In Sweden, the citizens pay little higher taxes and the first $250 odd towards the bill and any and all medical care costs are free beyond $250 amount "for the whole year" for any or multiple visits. If they do not go to doctor that year even once, they do not pay $250 either.

    US healthcare costs are EVIL !!!
  6. I think the legal system - lawsuit happy patients and overeager lawyers - are partially to blame.
    When I was in college, our professor told us that 1/2 of the cost of a new ladder was allocated to liability and insurance. I am sure he was talking off the cuff, professors do that a lot. But, the example is still valid.

    People in the U.S. want to sue every time they are offended and every time they feel disenfranchised. And too many lawyers are willing to sue for marginal reasons. I wonder how often doctors are sued in other nations and if the criteria for suing them is different than it is in the U.S.

    BTW, if medical care is so good in other nations, why do so many come to the U.S. for medical care? We have doctors and nurses that travel to other nations to perform medical procedures that are otherwise unavailable to them.

    Who cares how much it costs if it is unavailable to you when you need it ?
  7. ironchef


    I thought Vancouver (Canada?) has universal life long healthcare?
  8. Copied and Pasted from article...
  9. apdxyk


    That's why about 50k Canadians come to US annually to receive that nefarious medical care.
    They don't want to die for a plethora of strange reasons. Damn Loyalists!
    MarkBrown likes this.
  10. Nine_Ender


    Canadians outlive Americans by 3.6 years across the board ( 2016 numbers ). If you want your system to treat wealthy Canadians rather then not so wealthy Americans I guess that's interesting, but I suppose that can't hurt our life expectancy. Nor is the fact that the vast majority of Canadians get treated in Canada for everything unless they are travelling.
    #10     Jun 21, 2019
    toc likes this.