12 year old arrested for online racial abuse of Soccer Player

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Millionaire, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. Millionaire


    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
  2. Corky5


    he was a 12 year old black child from england.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
  3. Millionaire


    Do you have a link that he was black?
    Unlikely they would arrest him if he was a black 12 year old.

    Afterall Blacks can call each 'N****r' without consequences.


    racism is a one way street, you know that.
  5. Millionaire


    Thats why i dont believe he was a black 12 year old kid, because they arrested him.

    If he is really black they would have let him off with just a quiet word.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
  6. Too bad he cannot spend a night in prison and get scared straight...
  7. Corky5


    he was a black child and the charges will be dropped. even if he was white the charges would of been dropped, they are children.
  8. Millionaire


    This is a non violent crime so he obviously wont get jail.

    But boys as young as 12 are put in youth prisons in the UK.

  9. i am sure nothing will be done except to scare him since what he did was seriously wrong and borderline violent. Wonder if he learned it from his parents....

    i think this might be a time when accidentally leaking the name of the person would do more benefit than harm... :)
  10. Corky5


    u do realize the child was black?
    he is a young child and his black parents were probably humiliated by the black lives matter violence and the child lashed out.
    #10     Jul 12, 2020