12 Reasons Why Negative Rates Will Devastate The World

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Banjo, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. Banjo


  2. maxinger


    obviously zerohedge are not traders.
    traders don't care whether rates are negative or positive.
    as long as rates are changing, traders will be delighted.
    trader99 and jys78 like this.
  3. You think the entire world of financial markets and its impact on many, many things.... only matters if "rates are changing and traders are delighted"?
  4. zdreg


    HIs answer and my answer is probably yes. Do I have to explain to you Adam Smith, self interest and invisible hand of markets provides best outcomes.
    murray t turtle and jys78 like this.
  5. %%
    Sounds like an European problem,maybe , maybe not- a far cry from ''the world'' In that writer' s mind he has created a WALL. of worry-no problems As far as ''central banks being trapped '' LOL'' Not so much drama-LOL
  6. %%
    Sounds like an European problem,maybe , maybe not- a far cry from ''the world''. In that writer' s mind he has created a WALL. of worry-no problems As far as ''central banks being trapped '' LOL'' Not so much drama-LOL
  7. Nine_Ender


    The guy who founded Zerohedge was banned from trading because he was caught doing insider trading. Those who take trading advice from a crook deserve whatever happens to them. Can't imagine many people did well basing any of their financial decisions on what they read on that ridiculous site.
    noddyboy likes this.
  8. kashirin


    Zerohedge guy was charged with of profiting a sum of USD 780

    Now tell us about Cramer
  9. morganist

    morganist Guest

  10. Sig


    Peas in a pod when it comes to the worth of what you hear from either one.
    #10     Aug 19, 2019