12:28PM: Is She Tired of Bulls and Ready to Hug the Violent Bears?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by riskfreetrading, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. It is now 12:28PM EDT. She seems to start to be tired of bull's bullshit, and wants to hug the bears. R the bulls going to stop her?
  2. nothing matters until we get the fuckin FED out of the way on Wed...
    everything else will be choppy and sloppy...
  3. I think we dump. No one wants this market above 1400 and 12,900.

    I can just feel a new shoe dropping. Been too quiet lately.
  4. The pattern since the fed has been cutting rates is a rally into the meeting.
  5. And that's precisely why the market is above 1400 and is moving higher.
  6. gibberish
  7. A Mr. Bear is having late lunch with your wife/girldfriend at 2:47PM. He is being served on the table by a nice guy, who also pays the bill. That guy is you. The woman is the market. The bill is: NDX 1934. It should be paid in the near future from your brokerage account (if you have one).

    As some bagholders usually do over here: LOL!
  8. I also noticed that your answer which was at 1.29PM, is perfectly timed with the top of today (a bull at the top cannot survive longer if he trades): NDX's top is at 1936 at around 1.29PM EDT. :D
  9. Do you still have the same opinion? Time now is 3:28PM? When you posted NDX was few minutes and a couple of points from the top of today. I also noticed that SP was one point from the top when you were all bullish. What do you think now of the SP500?
  10. Hahaha :D
    #10     Apr 28, 2008