$100K Paper Trade Journal 6/29/18 - 09/01/18

Discussion in 'Journals' started by vanzandt, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. vanzandt


    Carry over from previous thread:

    100 BAC Jul6 29C from 0.34
    20 CGC Jul20 25C from 5.00
    25 VMC Aug17 135P from 8.40
    30 SYMC Aug17 $19C from 2.00
    themickey and mt2rules like this.
  2. Pekelo


    What are you using the execute the trades? TDAmeritrade?
  3. vanzandt


    No. ATP... but they don't have a demo mode that I see.
    So I'll just post em. I don't cheat, besides a few pennies won't make any difference on these longer term plays anyway.

    I plan on buying another 50 August $19 calls on SYMC today... we'll see what the action is on it first and then I'll timestamp the position.
    Might add some VMC puts too.
  4. Pekelo


    The accounting is just easier, specially for margin if you plan to use straddles, ICs, etc. Is it going to be just straight buying calls and puts?
  5. vanzandt


    Yeah pretty much. Stick with what I'm good at.
    destriero likes this.
  6. vanzandt


    Right now there's $40.4K (initial cost) of open positions.
    $59.6K to play with.
    Probably won't mess with any of them.
    The VMC puts are doing well. currently $9.80 midpoint on the b/a... so that about $3500 green
    Pretty much wipes out the BAC fiasco. I expect it to go to $0.
    SYMC I'm hoping for a pullback to $20 to add.
    destriero likes this.
  7. vanzandt


    Add 20 August MGM $27 calls at $2.23
    destriero likes this.

  8. Pen and paper.
    destriero likes this.
  9. vanzandt


    No, I use a calculator.

    Update on total balance as of now $102,080 as of 255PM 7/2

    Using midpoint.
    MGM $2.15 (its 2.12 now, jumping around)
    CGC $5.75
    VMC $9.75 (its $9.85 now)
    SYMC $2.21
    BAC $.01 (complete loss)

    Pretty strong day considering I started below $96.400
  10. vanzandt


    Someone told me there was some major sour grapes regarding my valuation of the VMC puts.
    Well, whatever. At one point today the bid was $9.80 (bidsize 21) on those (near the low of the day). The stock bounced back up .80 and the bid is still $9.10. I think one might even have traded today at $9.70 it looks like.

    Yeah I stated in that other thread the midpoint was what I'd use. No one complained when I paid too much and bought em there, at the midpoint that is.

    It doesn't matter, I plan on keeping these till August so basically they'll have no extrinsic value by then when I sell them. That'll clear that up.

    Put a few people on ignore as I like to play my own game without distractions, and unfortunately there were waaay too many. So we'll keep this journal going. ttyl :D
    Friggin great day!
    #10     Jul 2, 2018
    destriero and Gotcha like this.