100% to go with puts 2night: AAPL puts and XLF-Obama speech

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by increasenow, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. 100% to go with puts 2night: AAPL puts and XLF-Obama speech...I'd buy AAPL puts and XLF puts...thinking 100& market goes down tomorrow...my thoughts...shorts set ups now
  2. Interesting.

    Any reason it's "I'd buy" and not "I bought"?
  3. If you can't pull the trigger with real money on a "100%" odds trade, then you'll be paper trading till your 80 yrs old LoL


  4. S2007S


    Looks like the markets are loving the 0% rates, BUBBLE ben bernanke is keeping it as real as he can. Keep the bubble growing BENNY.
  5. EUR/USD a signal. Either they've cut back on the easing or things are getting worse IMO