100% guaranteed way to improve your trading profits and success in life

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cutten, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. Best advice I have ever seen on ET. I might take it as a New Year's resolution. But first, I have to go put some left wing nut jobs back in their place in the P&R forum. Damn liberals. For some reason, they like to get spanked all the time. Kinky masochists.
    #11     Dec 29, 2008
  2. ak15


    Yep. I've decided to severely limit my posting in these forums. The question you want to ask yourself is: Do I want to lower myself to the level of these individuals? If you do, then by all means dabble. Otherwise, you would be saving precious time and energy by staying away. It is crystal clear to me that mainstream Americana, or for that matter, society, is not represented by these platforms. On the contrary, they are filled with extremists, egomaniacs and trolls devoid of a life - you can see them frantically posting throughout the day and night, extending well into the wee hours of the morning, vide time of posts, all recorded in acrimonious and pungent language.
    A few and far between exceptions, when they do occur, may perhaps merit the occasional foray into the pristine and sacrosanct arena of P&R.
    #12     Feb 17, 2009