10% unemployment but H1B visas accelerating

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by noob_trad3r, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. you're not going to tell us what country you were born in?

    such an interesting phenomenon - people who lecture us on what's 'best for our country', who feel that only they should have a voice in policy

    but if you ask what country they were born in 'that's none of your business'

    5th column
    #51     Dec 10, 2009
  2. Did you read my post? Can you read? I am not against immigration. I'm against this policy of washing down wages - under the guise of "technological competitiveness" during a god-damn severe recession!

    We already have 10+ million illegals. 17% U6, and 1 in 8 Americans on food stamps.

    And by the way, I am the child of immigrants. Legal immigrants that got here under a managed quota while the USA was growing economically and the economy could ABSORB THEM.

    #52     Dec 10, 2009
  3. Who cares when your family came? You're still an immigrant.

    And I haven't noticed anyone stopping you from voicing your opinion. Yet. Obama may try, though.

    For me, the biggest problem is not immigrants but people who are Americans at birth who are begging for totalitarian policies which are most recently embodied by this disastrous president and his henchmen, Pelosi and Reid. These people are your fifth column. Immigrants who share in the beliefs of the founding fathers (not all do) are not. People, regardless of their ancestry, who believe in the constitution and the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are not the fifth column and if you're fighting them, you're going to lose.
    #53     Dec 10, 2009
  4. Your ignorance of basic economics is truly astounding.

    H1-B visa applications were down last year and many H1-B holders gave up their visa either because they lost their job or because they saw no future in the United States.

    I also don't support illegal immigration. Have you been through immigration yourself? I went through one (for someone else) myself recently. It's an arcane nightmare.

    Wages will be what they will be. If a company can't compete because its labour costs are too high, it'll close shop or move to where wages are lower. Keeping wages artificially high by restricting labour in other countries only leads to more long-term unemployment. Is your tiny brain having trouble wrapping itself around that concept?

    Yes, I think so.
    #54     Dec 10, 2009
  5. if you support MASSIVE immigration so that the USA ends up as just another densley over-populated 3rd world shithole, you dont believe in the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

    and you are 5th column

    (and telling me 'you are an immigrant' is a LIE

    One entry found.

    Main Entry: im·mi·grant
    Pronunciation: \ˈi-mə-grənt\
    Function: noun
    Date: 1789
    : one that immigrates: as a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown
    — immigrant adjective

    <img src = "http://www.numbersusa.com/images/70to2050redgreen.gif">

    #55     Dec 10, 2009
  6. I agree, but don't you see you have more to lose if H1B is abolished.

    Let me re-phrase it. It should make you feel better.

    Pick between bad and worse.

    Bad: H1B people are here, and you always feel that they are taking your job.

    Worse: Those jobs are no longer in USA. Those H1B people who were coming to your Starbucks (and buying your overpriced coffees) are also gone. Those H1B people who were filling gas at your gas station are also gone. Those people who were paying 25-35% tax on their income are also gone. NOW WHAT?

    Your voice, Your choice :)

    Just compare it with manufacturing industry. Your favorite iPhone is made in China ;-) Your favorite DELL is made in China. Why can't American companies make those products locally.

    This is a complex question and everyone is right and everyone is wrong.

    H1B is a favor to you if you think it with open mind. Govt. is doing it for same reason but they can't admit it as it will affect their vote bank.

    Go back to trading my friend. Market maker (price maker) just robbed you again. FED printed more $$$ and robbed you again. And fucking options exchange is not letting me put buy/sell order on same option contract.
    #56     Dec 10, 2009
  7. and that's another tactic i've noticed with your crowd

    when an arguement has been rebutted, you just ignore it and repeat the same lies

    (I had posted

    Indian Commerce minister called the H-1b visa 'the outsourcing visa'

    every indian outsourcer has access to H-1b as a business risk in their annual reports

    7 out of 10 of the top h-1b users are indian outsourcers

    i provided evidence that h-1b ACCELERATES outsourcing, and you just ignored it, like the dishonest propagandist that you are

    and you still wont answer - what is your country of birth? Are you an American citizen?

    (people, in the last few years, there has been literally an army of India nationals swamping every single message board on the internet, pushing pro-H-1b/pro-India propaganda and anti-American lies, every time this topic comes up )
    #57     Dec 10, 2009
  8. It's not America and I had no control over it :) Guess you also didn't have control over your birth place.

    But I've paid more taxes in past 10 years than an average American pays in his life period. And about 90% of what I make goes back to the local economy (taxes, mortgages, living expenses, trading losses, etc).

    Your local business chains (Coke, McDonald), Car companies do business in my country-of-birth and make record profit from operations there. Should we demand them to pack their bags and go back? There are some idiots there also who do not understand the big picture and make noises on these issues. But who cares...

    Everything comes with a package. You can't only have things that you like and reject everything else.

    No one can conclude this argument unless people on both side are open minded.
    #58     Dec 10, 2009
  9. wow!

    do you're pro H-1b BECAUSE YOU'RE FROM INDIA!!!!!!


    and I had to pry it out of you

    #59     Dec 10, 2009
  10. Seems to me the problem is not really the H1-B visa itself , but the abuse some nationalities ( indian, chinese) are making of it.

    Nobody can approve of practices making it difficult for locals or anybody to compete fairly.

    On the other hand, I do understand why some businesses would rather avoid American candidates ( inability to work with other nationalities, entitlement mentality, laziness, higher wages demand, lower quality, lack of loyalty...)

    As the situation is now pressing, my suggestion would be for american graduates to jump in a plane to China and India. Go and work for Microsft, Intel, IBM,... in India and China.
    The experience will broaden your mind, reduce the prevalent entitlement mentality business can not tolerate, increase the eagerness to work hard,...
    make you more attractive to technology companies when back home.
    By the way, McDonald has branches in China and India. :)
    #60     Dec 10, 2009