10% unemployment but H1B visas accelerating

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by noob_trad3r, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. This H1B issue is moot. 65,000 doesn't put a dent in our economy.
    The real issue are the jobs and $'s being shipped out of the US by our corps. It's not just jobs... its infrastructure... local $ changing hands.
    #361     Dec 6, 2011
  2. That's the thing - shipping out jobs with a "free trade" policy is functionally equivalent to opening the doors with an "anyone, everyone" immigration policy.

    While I see lots of people complaining about H1Bs, I don't see too many willing to give up their cheap Pakistani-made clothes and offering to pay more so Americans can get textile jobs back. So really, too me, this is just people not giving a damn about their country, they're just upset when it's their own private turf is being invaded. Which is a very human way to view things, but it doesn't really make sense.

    What does strike me as strange is that we see so many (finally) getting a clear view on what is driving the Euro apart - yet not seeing the same thing is happens in slow motion when you engage with a low-labor-cost trade partner who pegs their currency to yours. It really is just another expression of the same underlying problem.
    #362     Dec 6, 2011
  3. gwb-trading


    WSJ: India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire

    "But 75% of technical graduates and more than 85% of general graduates are unemployable by India's high-growth global industries, including information technology and call centers, according to results from assessment tests administered by the group."
    #363     Dec 6, 2011