10 Reasons You Should Never Have a Religion

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by DT-waw, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. stu


    Exactly, and it's scary
    #51     Dec 14, 2008
  2. karol88


    well, this 'disease' allows me to live and feel very well....and this without being delusional :)
    #52     Dec 14, 2008
  3. karol88


    Stu, I wasn't attacking you, I just chose your quote for my post...sorry if it seemed this way. I haven't read the whole thread (I will in a sec), nor your previous posts, so obviously I have no idea how you live your life. what i wrote about non-believes was more in general, it wasn't directed at you. Correct me if you think I'm delusional, that's the last thing I want to be :)
    #53     Dec 14, 2008
  4. stu


    You said you see evidence of a gentle, humble, wise and knowledgeable older couple. So you then develop an illusion of different evidence taking form of an erroneous belief, contrary to the actual evidence.
    Damn close if it isn't delusional. Glad that makes you happy but it is what it is.
    #54     Dec 14, 2008
  5. Yes, it's an almost willful contempt for logic, reason and just plain common sense. Some of the 'arguments' that these people put forth are beyond laughable (see the indicative-of-impending-clinical-diagnosis rant about computers and the forest which starts this thread).


    I preferred the fairly-tale believers in the era before this ill-advised attempt on their part to try to codify their delusions in terms of scientific language. The whole ID movement has spawned the type of idiocy we see in these threads, where people who have no experience of critical thinking suddenly attempt to tell us how their fantasies are logical. The funny part is that you can't explain to them that their reasoning is specious because... they have no concept of reasoning.
    #55     Dec 14, 2008
  6. stu


    No offense taken and certainly non intended. But it really does seem that way to me by what you say.
    #56     Dec 14, 2008
  7. so are you claiming that people without your crutch cant live and feel well? we know thats not the case so the question becomes what are you lacking that you need that emotional crutch to cope with life?why do you have a need to believe a story that all evidence indicates is a fable?
    #57     Dec 14, 2008
  8. karol88


    no, all I'm claiming is that it helps me...and when I see non believers living well, happy and who have something to show for, I do wonder...
    maybe I am lacking something....but I feel like my life is good, and I've many gifts, and I believe God helped me, why? because every time I forget about it, and take a different path, my life starts to fall apart....at least emotionally...
    #58     Dec 14, 2008
  9. karol88


    why is that, explain please? What's delusional about my observations? All I do is I watch people, who they are, how they live, behave, and if I like what I see, I'm curious to find out what they do and believe in...I'm a good people reader (hence my Mom is a shrink, thought me some good stuff) most of the time I can tell the difference between the fake ones and the really happy ones, the ones with the "healthy" confidence....there aren't many out there.
    Sure, my interpretation of "good and happy" may be different from yours....yet the end-result is what counts.
    Most of my friends are non believers, many scientists among them, smart, knowledgeable, successful people who can do so well at work, yet fail at dealing with day to day problems, blame the world, the past, become secretly depressive, bitter etc....not that Christians don't, but it seems to me that without a belief in higher power it is much harder to overcome these things (there are many crazy christians out there...I'm not talking about those). It's just an observation, works for me, but chances are I will have a slightly different idea about this whole thing 10 years from now...I live and learn, think and analyze things all the time...sad to hear (in the earlier post) that my belief is equal to stupidity, a delusional fantasy....then I must be some lucky fool :) it's the 'fruits' that count...isn't it?
    #59     Dec 14, 2008
  10. Of course its pointless. Stu argues from the point of view of someone who thinks being right means shouting louder than your opponent. He cannot prove there is no God because there isn't any evidence for this anywhere. So he is left with saying something stupid and expecting you to exert energy until you realize he has no idea.

    He is a fine example of an antonym to "Mr. Spock."

    Seeing his statement you quoted reminds me why I put him on ignore.
    #60     Dec 14, 2008