$10 an hour with 2 kids? IRS pounces

Discussion in 'Economics' started by leela, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. leela


  2. Lethn


    Nothing more than fucking thugs and bandits wearing business suits.

    I bet even the Yakuza have more class than the IRS.
  3. Another reason to go with a VAT tax system & drop these crooked morons.
  4. There is so much class envy here that an income tax will never go away. There is talk of a VAT in •addition• to the income tax. Some liberals (not legislators, so far) are even suggesting a wealth tax, that is, a tax on one's assets, for the ultra rich.
  5. A (necessary) rebalancing of the wealth pyramid in the US would have taken place if they would have let the free markets work and the banks fail.
  6. There was some dillhole guest on CN-BS...

    When asked, "what advice would you have for the president on how to create jobs?"...

    He said something to the effect, ".... I was unable to attend the jobs summit, but earlier we [his company?] had met with the president and suggested, (1) weakening the $USD to support exports, (2) subsidize "green jobs", (3) spend more money on infrastructure..."

    Not one mention of how to encourage entrepreneurship, encourage capital growth, or capital flows into the US...

    Any dickweed can take more money from the public and spend it.... OUR PROBLEMS STEM FROM DOING TOO MUCH OF THAT ALREADY... THE "SOLUTION" IS NOT MORE OF THE SAME... :mad:
  7. .......................................................................

    It is incredible....

    A white horse.....IS WHITE....

    None of the polys have given any indication of knowing anything about entrepreneurship....

    The reason....????

    Just take a quick look at the wiki biographies....

    Very few will show a background that qualifies them to be making legal decisions about important economic segments for which they know nothing about....

    This is INSANITY......

    ie Harkin....Fazio.....these people have nothing in their biographies that indicate any experience in securities....but yet want to regulate the industry on their impositions....????

    The last fiasco with Harkin was his adamant support of subsidizing corn based ethanol....Of course he was an expert at the time......and this after every land grant college Ag Econ depts. proving the non feasibility since 1980....now it's securities....????

    This is a BIG problem.....

    Non-qualified people in positions of authority.....
  8. Most of this country are running out of options. There are still a couple left ...

  9. Mvic


    That is the least effective solution.

    A far better one would be for people to take their money out of crooked institutions in a coordinated way. Sell stocks, cash out of bonds, withdraw cash from banks, pay down debt if you have any, stop buying useless crap from overseas, only buy local, take care of your health by living a healthy lifestyle and get off prescription meds if you are on them, leave the churches and their myths and false prophets. Starve the beast. It is the only effective way to fight back.
    #10     Dec 7, 2009