1 month recap

Discussion in 'Journals' started by hungkangaroo, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. So I did a 1 month recap on my options orders and I found a gain of $1,000. It may not be a lot, at least it's still a profit. Most of my options are Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia, and AMD. The last two weeks have been a loss, however I am still keeping an eye on what my losses and gains are. For being a new trader I think this is a win. Experience will come in time, I would study everyday if I could, but between 2 jobs and trying to get back in school it can be rough.
    taowave and guru like this.
  2. El Trado

    El Trado

    Great, and congratulations

    But just don’t become too cocky now ;-)

    It might just as well be due to luck. So keep on what you are doing, and under no circumstances increase the bet-sizes yet