#1 Book on Amazon.com

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AMT4SWA, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. ABSOFRICKINLUTELY! The SOB is doing all he can to destroy America as fast as he can... the sooner he's gone, the better. (I wake up each morning to disappointment.. that he didn't drop dead overnight.... actually, I'd rather he just resigned or was arrested... he does have young children.)
    #11     Apr 21, 2011
  2. I'm not a fan of any of them. Your presidents manage to make our prime ministers look vaguely sensible.

    The tragedy is that it seems to create more extremism in the US ... idiots like Roark ... people following the Ayn Rand and such populist but frequently discredited philosophical garbage. And Palin ... bleeding hell.

    So your right gets more extreme. And your left gets more extreme. Not that its actually extreme except to the right.

    I don't see any virtuous circles here ... just decline and buying more shit from China. Until you can't any more. A shame to go from the 50's to this decade.
    #12     Apr 21, 2011
  3. You don't see the Left as "extreme"?... that the only people who consider the Left extreme are the extreme Right?

    If that's the case, you're out of your frickin' mind!
    #13     Apr 21, 2011
  4. Actually not.

    Because I can see you guys from the outside I have a clearer view than you Scat. You see your left as extreme because of where you're looking from. I'm actually a conservative but you guys add fundamentalist religion and a penchant for thick conservative presidents (regan, bush II, palin !!!! come to mind) that just gives me the shits. Can't you combine brains and rational thinking with conservative politics?

    The sad thing is that left or right ... that A'hole Southamerica is probably going to be proven right and the 1900s will be the American Century and since 2000 you've exported your core wealth building to China, India etc. The only good thing is that I very much doubt that his precious Brazil will ever be more than a quarry for Asia (like Aus with its China suck based economic miracle).

    Personally I hope the US gets it together, stops enriching political buddies, starts to generate wealth etc. But under two terms of repub rule you headed into the shite ... and now you get to give the talky democrat shit for doing the same stupid stuff bush did. The advisors and self-enriching groups didn't go - they just morphed a little and made China even happier.
    #14     Apr 21, 2011
  5. On vacation.....having fun too! :cool:
    #15     Apr 21, 2011
  6. Globalist Wealth Entities (primarily old western european families/entities who own most all shares in privately held central banks) dictate and control most all western powers to INCLUDE australia......ALL our leaders are "selected" minion trash.

    THEY have put the barry s SCAM (no US birth certificate) in the face of the US citizenry on purpose....this is all by design. THEY are like a rapist who will let you know they have complete control over you and there is nothing you can do about it........this MENTALITY is the code for the Globalist Wealth Entities.

    GWE's will always play a PSY OPS game of letting you know ahead of time, in many cases, THEY have complete control over these activities and what the hell are YOU (the citizenry) going to do about it! It was very well documented PRIOR to the last US Presidential elections that barry s was in no way, shape, or form, a properly documented US citizen within the legal requirements to serve as president. Getting this "selected" minion into power is just another in your face "op" against a growing timid and docile non-challenging US citizenry (and main media).

    If you at all do ANY proper due diligence, you will find EXTENSIVE "handling" of barry s through GWE faction leaders ( Zbigniew Brzezinski was the prime "handler" for barry s since the Columbia years) throughout his past years. Barry s was a groomed and selected "asset" to eventual be used for something big since he is an obvious great "salesman" with an ethnic kicker. Barry's mother, both fathers, and grandmother ALL have ties to entities and operations in the past which are all intelligence agency directed......so it is not at all surprising why barry boy was "used" to play in the big game too.
    #16     Apr 21, 2011
  7. Pekelo


    So who is watching the chemtrails???
    #17     Apr 21, 2011
  8. YOUR inhaling them so thats all that counts! :eek:
    #18     Apr 22, 2011