00-04, 4 years of OUTRAGEOUS spending and Bush

Discussion in 'Economics' started by bxptone, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. Mecro


    No it was not, they play a lot of games with inter-govermental debt that gets moved around all the agencies. It was close but no cigar.
    #11     Oct 13, 2008
  2. bxptone

    Registered: Jun 2007
    Posts: 89

    10-10-08 03:58 PM

    never veteoing a dam thing. Oh but wait its BOTH parties fault. Yeah someone tell me how that's possible when our SURPLUS, that was built during the 90's was DRAINED in a matter of years under Bush and a REPUBLICAN lead Congress from 2000-2006.

    Under Bush AND a Republican Congress we managed to piss away our surplus. Spent money like no tomorrow, so much for CONSERVATIVES, while cutting taxes!!!! HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SPEND MORE WHILE TAKING IN LESS MONEY!?!!? HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And on top of that fight a TRILLION DOLLAR WAR, while your country is in a deficit. This country has never gone to war with such deficits. Sorry democrats maybe dumb, but how you can say this was the fault of both parties I will never know.

    Look at the charts, democratic party surplus, republican party, deficits. Dems try to take care of you (at least spend tax dollars on americans) Republicans sell you out to the highest bidder.


    Now the inablity to resolve the situation most definitely falls on both parties. But sorry the deficits and spendingt that went on during those years, was of historic proportions, and now we are going to pay in MONUMENTAL proportions.

    Please, if you believe what you posted you need to do further research in regards on how are gov. is run. We really have just one party and it's not the peoples party. If Obama wins he will instill the most tax credits(welfare Benefits) along with the tax cuts. Obama is the most Anti Wall Street Pres Candidate ever. Just wait. McCain will be no better with his plan, so we are fucked either way. Its not one party's fault as there really is only one party! Americans have been sold out and are being further sold down the river as we speak!
    #12     Oct 13, 2008

  3. Trader123abc…. with your attitude you should re think trading. Ignore the news and focus on your method, this is a trading website.
    #13     Oct 14, 2008
  4. Mecro


    He is posting on topic, what's your problem.
    #14     Oct 14, 2008