Why Is The Obvious Not So Obvious?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by nysestocks, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. Redneck


    Good one Sir...

    Oh hell wait.... now I suppose I'm posting / replying to myself :eek:

    #3611     Nov 5, 2013
  2. In reality, there is NOBODY in this forum (and that's includes me), the webmaster of EliteTrader has simply created all these aliases you see on the screen and he is merely talking to himself, err... I mean to myself!

    Think about it for a minute...

    Oh wait, you can't, you don't exist :D
    #3612     Nov 5, 2013
  3. I'm actually very adept at pattern recognition. Your writing styles appear to me to be the same person attempting to intentionally create different writing styles. Your overuse of certain unique words (like how you constantly say "Sir!") does not at all seem natural. Each one of you has a quirky word or two (or punctuation) they use constantly in each post. The intention, IMO, is to create an illusion of difference. Your underlying language, however, is quite similar.
    #3613     Nov 5, 2013
  4. RedDuke


    The same can be said about people who start small businesses. Any new endevour has risks.

    The difference in trading is that people somehow think it is easy. Many people asked me to show them how I trade. Once they realize how much work that is, they do not even try.
    #3614     Nov 5, 2013
  5. Check in with your Johari window.

    One of the panes is cracked and needs to be made larger.

    Everyone has a collection of items entitled: "What I don't know that I don't know about myself."

    You could actully be a lot smarter than you type you are. So far you do not know that you do not know this big IQ thing.

    Bear down and decisively determine that redneck (he knows he knows he is not a redneck) is the Mark Twain (all 12 feet) of ET. Mark Twain faked it all his life as a non gay person.

    Bear down and decisively determine that the OP has never owned a pickup truck with a gun rack. He would have mentioned Browning at least three times.

    Beardown and do some posts that allow us to recognize that you ARE smarter than you think you are. Don't hold back; make us believe you have a little power to differentiate.
    #3615     Nov 5, 2013
  6. Redneck



    Straight up - Thank You Sir


    I respect you for being true to yourself - no matter

    #3616     Nov 5, 2013
  7. An interesting post indeed.

    I had a great day running stops on the EUR/USD today. Anyone else? :)
    #3617     Nov 6, 2013
  8. Ok so I'm back, and I've been doing some thinking. I guess it's time to eat crow and apologize. As much as I lashed out at this thread, I have to admit that something about it did intrigue me. Perhaps some part of me was trying to prevent the obvious from being discovered.

    I had a bit of a...realization, and I now know exactly what the obvious is. I traded using it yesterday and had one of my most profitable days ever. What really struck me was how easy it felt once you really figure it out.

    I obviously haven't been trading this very long, but it certainly feels like the closest thing to a "grail" that I've ever experienced. Now that I know, I can see why it isn't something that should be shared freely. It's also something that I kind of suspected for a while, but always put to the back of my mind.

    As to clues, I think there are enough here, but the most important are that you must know yourself to know your enemy, and that one man's tools can be another man's weapons.

    Redneck and the others I may have offended, I apologize. Thank you for making me think, and thank you for even considering sharing this information. I certainly wouldn't have.
    #3618     Nov 8, 2013
  9. After reading your 2nd paragraph, I was thinking you were about to reveal the OP's magical, deep, dark secret! lol.

    What a 180. It just suddenly came to you?

    anyone think OD's account has been hijacked by one of the resident gurus/admin??
    #3619     Nov 8, 2013
  10. No hijack. I'll be quite honest that I feel that some of the thread contributors who are "in the know" have acted a bit arrogant about it and have been quite condescending at times. That really annoyed me and it's part of why I lashed out. Then again, I acted the same way so I guess I'm no better.

    I also feel that they take a bit too much of a philosopher/zen angle at this whole thing. There is a very real reason for why this "obvious" thing happens, and it has nothing to do with philosophy. It has to do with a select few people taking money from the uninitiated. That said, it is quite a bit like having the veil lifted and seeing the market in a whole new light, and you even get the feeling you are seeing something you are not supposed to see.

    So there - I don't completely agree with the way they presented the information here, but they are 100% correct in what they're saying.
    #3620     Nov 8, 2013