Tim Sykes

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by londonkid, May 27, 2014.

  1. zdreg


    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    #121     Feb 17, 2015
  2. You are unrelenting-- Gonzo hate vibe gotcha in its claws. ALL of sykes trades are posted, win or lose-- what else do you need?
    #122     Feb 17, 2015
  3. zdreg


    post them by copying and pasting them in a post on this forum. your links have proven to be worthless in the past.
    #123     Feb 17, 2015
  4. he is a pumper...trades illiquid stocks , low volume, low float...

    here is his process

    then he has tons of school students aka sheep just blindly following him with market orders

    stock does 5-50k volume a day...he goes and buys 10k...alerts it to everyone in chatroom...Sheep blindly buys with market orders

    stock does 10x the volume that day...market orders push the price up due to the Big spread in the bid and the offer....all this while he offers it out while sheep it it back from him higher...then comes the sell..sheep sells, stock price goes back down

    who makes money....2% who are quick enough to jump in with him...testimonials comes from those 2% while other 98% lose

    gotta give it to that guy,,..very intelligent in a sense..

    he cant trade for shit otherwise if he couldnt alert or post about it or if he trades liquid stocks

    lets assume stock doesnt go up too much...then come tweets from him ad blog posts to push it up along with emails and alerts to subscribers that he bought more..intcing others to buy , all this while he is unloading his junk
    #124     Feb 17, 2015