When does this take effect? And what are they doing about existing traders?
Real time news? Did someone say Briefing has real-time news? LOL Using Briefing for your real-time news feed is like saying you trade direct...
Tha's funny Seth......... F' in hilarious! :D :D :D
What exactly would be attractive about a company with brutal commissions and antiquated trading technology?:confused:
gobble, gobble
I'm interested in communicating with anyone in S.W. Ontario who is interested in discussing prop. trading opportunities both in house and remote....
Just thought I'd bring this thread back to life to see if there are any traders new to ET in S. Ontario. Cheers
Dude you need to take Turok's advice and get some basic education about direct access trading. there are huge differences between MMs and ECNs...
Nitro, let's get a couple of things straight here; First of all enough with the "why don't you become a Specialist" shit. We both know you...
This echoes the reason that my trading has been predominately limited to the Naz. I know that there are a lot of games that go on when trading the...
Being a specialist is a good deal because of the rules! You answered all your own questions there dude. These guys make so much because they take...
So exchange rules do in fact prohibit a person from placing a bid and offer with the specialist simultaneously:mad: . What a crock of shit!...
This is an interesting question. I have actually recently had this issue brought to my attention as it relates to AMEX listings. Can anyone...
Dude, glad to hear that everything worked out for you! MACD:)
Some valid points made here and some asinine comments as well. to M I'm am surprised at a couple of things here. First it seems you are...
Separate names with a comma.