Agreed. The unfortunate consequence of letting the rest of the world fend for itself would be unprecedented global casualties. I think a point...
By Stuart Taylor Jr., National Journal © National Journal Group Inc. Monday, March 3, 2003 Imagine President Bush responding as follows to...
You are imagining things. Maybe what you are seeing is a market maker who is working an order. He needs to commit capital to a customer, and...
I use the tick, but not for scalping. The tick is most useful at tops and bottoms of the market. If I see 2 large downticks two days out of...
The way a lot of big cap institutional floor trading is done is by spliting prints (ie. participate with the buyers or sellers). Tape reading is...
Don't know the Generic deals, but I know lava. Watcher and Hammer are both better. It's ok, but inferior to either of those two platforms, IMO....
Most desks let you overweight/underweight certain issues to juice your results, or position trade around indexing. Also, some desks will...
not sure that the storys are great, but the lyrics are: Old man down way down down, down by the docks of the city, Blind and dirty asked me...
Careful who you talk to. What you are describing is collusion, and the reason mm's got sued in the early 90's.
If you are getting Bloomberg primarily because you think the news service is faster, I would disagree. It is fast, and sometimes it is...
Your question is unanswerable as phrased. It completely depends on the name you are trading. $3 million is not a particularly large amount in a...
I believe you can get BridgeStation from Reuters for about $450/month. Much easier than Bloomberg, same in terms of time(faster in many...
I have a direct feed and trade on the ARCA platform, it has really sucked for about the past 2 months. Crossed markets, not getting fills I was...
1. Richard Wyckoff 2. Steve Nison 3. Joe DiNapoli Wyckoff is hard to find. His work in my opinion will help you to understand how...
Separate names with a comma.