Yukoner's Psychological Trading Journal

Discussion in 'Journals' started by Yukoner, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Handle123


    "I feel like a slave to the behaviors I cultivated to protect myself from parts of the environment I was brought up in that were stressful and frightening to me. I did the best I could at the time because I didn't realize what things I did have control over. I have control over my own thoughts, words, and actions, and only mine, not others'. I can learn to replace my negative thoughts, words, and actions with positive ones by "doing the opposite of"."

    I think mostly who we are occurred between ages 1.5 to 3 years old, what happens after this time either makes us more positive or feeds the negative in us. Basic cores are filed in subconscious. An event which most people wouldn't even notice, depending on one's makeup they are on "pins and needles". When I was younger, I was lucky in knowing I had major challenges I had to accept and know I would never totally overcome, I found hypnosis to help a great deal and get couple sessions each year to overcome my childhood imprisonments. Take training in Martial arts, builds confidence against foes and learn more discipline. I have kept journals on trades and another one on emotional thoughts, I learned that I could find extremes in price by the amount of mental pain, often getting out of many good trades cause of this pain. Especially in profitable trades was the greatest pains felt, you learn how to accept, either through exercising or leaving the house or your own way.

    Happy Holidays All.
    #181     Dec 29, 2014
    Yukoner and Redneck like this.
  2. Redneck


    Agreed..., but what exactly does each mean (thinking / acting)

    Rhetorical if you prefer Sir as I appreciate how intimate the answers can get

    or we can discuss

    #182     Dec 29, 2014
    Yukoner likes this.
  3. Yukoner


    @Redneck this is a good exercise, so here goes...

    Thinking like a professional trader
    1. thinking in probabilities
    2. thinking in logic, "if this... then that"
    3. thinking about what I am feeling throughout the day, and how it affects my trading
    4. thinking positive
    5. Believing in myself
    6. Staying open minded
    Then Acting like a professional trader
    1. Executing each trade with correct risk, and knowing that I have no control over whether that trade is positive or negative to the account so therefore I only risk appropriate amounts to my account size
    2. Allowing each trade to work under predefined parameters that give me an edge in the marketplace
    3. Allowing myself to feel the emotion, but not change my trading strategy
    4. Conducting myself with a daily routine that I know over time will positively improve my trading behavior
    5. Never letting any single day deter me from my long term trading goal, because I know that if I continue with the correct exercises then my profitability as a trader will improve
    6. Each trade, to consider who is taking the opposing position and why they would be doing that
    This is a start....
    #183     Jan 3, 2015
    jas_in_hbca likes this.
  4. Yukoner


    @NoDoji thanks for rephrasing that for me, and the book recommendation. It is in stock, and ironically I will purchase it today with some Christmas "gift" money from my parents. :)
    2015 is my year, and I am ready to do the work.
    #184     Jan 3, 2015
  5. Handle123


    I tried something on Friday I never have done, I used my weak hand to work the mouse, wow, increased my concentration level and actually saw the chart a bit different, made more on ave of each trade. What all this means is have gotten lazy when I trade using my strong hand. So am thinking I am going to do this once a week. It is funny, just a little change in a way we trade can make huge change.
    #185     Jan 3, 2015
    Yukoner likes this.
  6. Yukoner


    Now that is interesting... thanks for sharing @Handle123

    I noticed a difference in buying a mouse pad with gel support... hand felt much more relaxed and it was easier to move around the screen. I'll have to try switching hands... maybe FOMC days. lol
    #186     Jan 3, 2015
  7. Redneck


    A really good start Sir

    Made some notes to correspond with your numbering for your consideration


    (1) The probability comes from a series of trades (following a prescribed routine / creating a trade plan for each trade) – while knowing each trade’s outcome is uncertain

    (2) Think logically…, but also simplistically (keep extraneous thoughts quiet)

    (3) Perfect

    (4) Think neutrally

    (5) And in your ability to always act in your own best interest. Also become your best friend..., mentor..., observer..., disciplinarian (with a firm..., but gentle touch)

    (6) Perfect

    added these 2

    (7) Completely come to accept uncertainty (it the very core of the mkt..., and trading)

    (8) The only certainty in trading / the mkt – is what we bring to the table via our routine / actions


    Acting like

    (1) Correct risk (stop placement) – is always 1 tick / cent past where the trade is invalidated

    (2) Perfect

    (3) Perfect

    (4) Perfect

    (5) Or a single trade…, or each trade’s outcome

    (6) Who cares – if anything – think about who else is joining you / you’re on-board with (I prefer the big boys having my back / me riding their coattails...., then whoever takes the opposite position - good luck to em)


    Likely at this point most of these are abstract (consciously you know em)

    Goal will be to assimilate all.., and some more - into the trading system of you (subconscious level so they become your default way of..., thinking + acting = trading)

    #187     Jan 3, 2015
    Yukoner likes this.
  8. jsmacksem


    Screw selling systems, I'll sell trader mice. And trader mouse pads. I'll call em both trouse and trads.

    Trouse n trads

    #188     Jan 3, 2015
    Yukoner and Redneck like this.
  9. Redneck


    I like this ^

    I'm right handed... but periodically brush my teeth left handed (yeah it ends up being quite a mess..., but also gets me thinking out the other side of my brain more)

    I'll try operating the mouse left handed

    Thanks H123

    #189     Jan 3, 2015
    Yukoner likes this.
  10. Yukoner


    @Redneck and @Handle123 taking this a step further, I think I will try drinking beer tonight left handed... all night... while watching the UFC. o_O

    @Redneck regarding your change from my #4 "Thinking positively" to you recommending "thinking neutrally", would you mind expanding on why you recommend that change? I don't want to assume anything... thanks!
    #190     Jan 3, 2015