Why Hillary can't be President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Humpy


    It just goes to show that the US is run on money, money and more money. The party with the biggest " war chest " usually wins. Anywhere else they would be called bribes.
    Surely the pretence of democracy is over and the word plutocracy better describes it.
    #211     Apr 28, 2015
    TGregg likes this.
  2. jem


    She made 145 million selling our Uranium to Putin.
    She and Bill got half the future profits on the deal.
    She is now a clear blackmail risk.

    Can we all agree these 2 are greedy bastards who would sell out the country to Putin for money... as bill and gore sold our military secrets to China.

    After Obama and Jarret are done selling us out do we really need more of this.
    How about someone who protects jobs, eliminates income taxes adn protects our national security.

    Is that really so hard?

    #212     May 13, 2015
  3. For the sake of argument, let us assume that the allegation is true. If it is common knowledge, then how could it be used for blackmail purposes?
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
    #213     May 13, 2015
  4. jem


    Thank you for the question...

    Do you think we know the terms of all these deals... she erased her side of the emails... but putin has his emails and probably all the others she ever sent out.

    And he is just the head of a few intelligence operations.
    She was selling the St. Dept for money to some of the most sophisticated political operators in the world. Some of them very deadly. You don't think they have proof? You don't think they requested assurances before giving over millions? You don't think they taped their conversations? You do not think they could at least fake like they have it recorded with high tech equipment?

    She is a massive risk.
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
    #214     May 13, 2015
  5. Would we have to? What you are plainly alleging is quite enough without the minutia. If they directly and personally benefitted in the manner you describe, what is there left to blackmail about? In what possible manner could further details of such alleged dealings enhance her culpability in a way that would subject her to blackmail risk over and above what is already "out there?"
    #215     May 13, 2015
  6. fhl


    #216     May 13, 2015
    BSAM likes this.
  7. jem


    good question again...

    direct proof of treason vs circumstantial evidence.

    A prosecutor could get a conviction and potential death sentence on...


    the other gets to go to the benghazi hearing show room where establishment republicans make as much a mockery of justice as the perps.

    #217     May 13, 2015
  8. jem


    that is funny... I am hearing it with his drawl...

    #218     May 13, 2015
  9. drcha


    I don't think there are many people who vote for someone based on skin color or gender. I'm a woman, and I don't know any women who would do that.

    The Republicans do not have the electoral votes in the right places in great enough numbers to win. The right is split by the Tea Party/religious conservatives versus more moderate Republicans. The youngsters are not voting for the right. Baby boomers are starting to die off from all the crap Americans eat.

    The nomination is Hilary's to lose. I'm sure there is no end of dirt on her that could mess that up.

    I would love to see a populist dark horse come out of nowhere, run on Facebook/Twitter, and disdain PAC money. If it ever happened, though, the person would probably be assassinated, so what's the use.
    #219     May 13, 2015
  10. BSAM


    Hmmm...I must be very confused.
    #220     May 13, 2015