Why Hillary can't be President

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. BSAM


    Maybe we should give her a chance; kinda like we did with her friend, Obama.
    #191     Apr 24, 2015
  2. BSAM


    I wish I could forget Obama.
    It's been a years long nightmare.
    #192     Apr 24, 2015
  3. jem


    Romney - Its looks like bribery...


    Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney said that the New York Times’ story on the Clinton Foundation’s involvement in Russia’s acquisition of a company that holds large portion of the uranium mined in the US “looks like bribery” on Thursday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show.”

    Romney said, “I was stunned by it. I mean, it looks like bribery. I mean, there is every appearance that Hillary Clinton was bribed to grease the sale of, what, 20% of America’s uranium production to Russia, and then it was covered up by lying about a meeting at her home with the principals, and by erasing emails. And you know, I presume we might know for sure whether there was or was not bribery, if she hadn’t wiped out thousands of emails. But this is a very, very serious series of facts, and it looks like bribery.”
    #193     Apr 24, 2015
  4. If only Romney had had the balls to go after obama like this.

    Don't expect anything from Jeb Bush, since Bill Clinton has been unoffically adopted by his father.
    #194     Apr 24, 2015
  5. jem


    I am beginning to wonder if the establishment just picks the winner and tells the other team to show up... It sure looks to me like Dole, McCain just mailed it in and then Romney refused to seize the opportunity.

    Maybe they are setting it up for Romney to come in like the 47% white knight and have Romney Bush ticket.
    #195     Apr 24, 2015
  6. Humpy


    Did you know the President of tiny Singapore gets paid 5 times more than the US President ? But then the US could learn a lot from them.
    Pay peanuts and you get monkeys.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2015
    #196     Apr 25, 2015
  7. TGregg


    #197     Apr 27, 2015
  8. JamesL


    First it was the Times, now it's WaPo - it appears the press really doesn't want Hillary:

    Hillary Clinton’s op-ed mentions five everyday Iowans. All five were selected to attend her events

    For the average Iowan flipping open Monday's Des Moines Register, the
    opinion piece from Hillary Clinton that it contains might suggest that the candidate's brief listening tour was something of a success. It mentions five Iowans -- just like them! -- whose stories seem to have energized Clinton.

    "Everywhere I went," she writes, "I met Iowans with great ideas for how we can get there."

    The five Iowans mentioned in the article, however, were all attendees at one of Clinton's staged roundtables and were invited by the campaign or the host. The five attended only two roundtables -- somewhat undermining that "everywhere I went" line -- attended by 13 total Iowans.

    The five people Clinton mentioned:

    Ellen Schlarmann

    Clinton writes: "I heard from young people like Ellen Schlarmann of Monticello, a high school student who's been taking classes at the local community college so she can graduate with dozens of college credits already completed. I loved hearing about how hard she's working to get ahead."

    Schlarmann was one of a half dozen people who met Clinton in that odd auto-body-classroom event pictured above. Shortly afterward, the Daily News wrote, "'I was really impressed. She made some really good points and was really down to earth,' said Ellen Schlarmann, a high school student who takes classes at the college and was selected for the roundtable."

    That's not a big surprise. Nearly everyone Clinton spoke with in her time in Iowa was hand-picked. Some reports suggest that students were kept in classrooms as Clinton walked to the event, preventing them from talking to her.

    Bethany Moore and Jason McLaughlin

    Clinton writes: "So is Bethany Moore, a single mom of three from Olin who's juggling a job, school and raising her kids. She's worried about piling up debt, but she hopes to continue her education and eventually earn a four-year degree."

    And later: "As school principal Jason McLaughlin put it, Iowans are 'pragmatic, proud people.' That's certainly what I saw first-hand this month. And it's that spirit that's going to help move our country forward."

    Moore and McLaughlin were at the same event as Schlarmann. "Clinton said: 'I want to stand up and fight for people so they cannot just get by, but they get ahead and stay ahead,'" the Des Moines Register wrote. "Then she asked for thoughts from those at the roundtable -- ... Ellen Schlarmann, a junior at Monticello High School; ... Jason McLaughlin, the principal at Central City High." As Politico wrote last week, "The group didn’t come together by chance: The college selected them."

    Brendan Comito

    Clinton writes: "Brendan Comito of Des Moines shared his struggles to find enough skilled workers to keep growing his family's business."

    Clinton met Comito at a business roundtable outside Des Moines. Politico writes that it was "a roundtable of six small-business owners and entrepreneurs, a group that was organized by the campaign." A report on CNN afterward quoted Comito's question about the costs of Obamacare, which was not the comment Clinton chose to highlight.

    Bryce Smith

    Clinton writes: "Bryce Smith of Adel told me about how student debt made it harder for him to get the loans he needed to buy and grow his small business, the bowling alley where he had worked as a teenager."

    From Politico's report: "Clinton appeared to genuinely enjoy herself with the group of business leaders — she laughed and joked with Bryce Smith, the bowling alley owner, asking him what the hours were. 'I’m going to be in Iowa a lot,' she said."

    Next time, perhaps she'll expand the circle of people she hears from.

    #198     Apr 27, 2015
  9. jem


    If the leftist press is trying to end her..
    Maybe we want here to win the dem nomination.
    She could bring down whole party further.
    Not that it will do us anygood to we get the establishment out of the Rs too.
    #199     Apr 27, 2015
  10. jem



    George Stephanopoulos was floored as two prominent journalists and the Republican Speaker of the House from his Clinton days, Newt Gingrich, laid out for him just how bad the “Clinton Cash” book is for his old bosses.
    During the show’s roundtable panel after Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer appeared on the show for a lengthy interview, Stephanopoulos teamed with Democratic strategist Donna Brazile in an attempt to discredit Schweizer. But it started with Stephanopoulos making a shocking admission: Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign wouldn’t send out any official surrogates or spokespeople to defend her on this scandal.

    “Donna, I got to talk to you first—I know you’re close to the Clinton team—they did not want to put anybody out to talk about this book today even though we asked, and you just saw Peter Schweizer there,” Stephanopoulos said to Brazile. “What do you make of his allegations generally but also his specific allegation that he makes that there are undisclosed donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign charities?”

    Brazile admitted she doesn’t know what’s in the book. Yet, without having read it, she proceeded to drop a series of rhetorical attacks on Schweizer. She also offered the Clinton campaign advice on how to attempt to get past Clinton Cash.

    “Well, George, I haven’t read the whole book—I’m sure it’s still being rewritten somewhere because the newspapers and other publications are already disputing some of the facts and the claims in his book,” Brazile said. “But there are more drippings in this book than juice or sauce and what the campaign needs to do—and they did it last week—is go ahead and respond to these allegations. They’re scurrilous. We’re going to see more of them as the campaign goes along but respond to them and continue to reach out to voters and ignore all of this background noise. That’s what they need to do.”

    Stephanopoulos then turned to Gingrich.

    “Mr. Speaker, I read that you thought these allegations are starting to reach some kind of critical mass around the foundation that could even force her out of the race?” he asked the former House Speaker.

    Gingrich dropped bombs on Stephanopoulos in his response, suggesting he thinks criminal charges—at least an investigation—could be on the way.

    “Look, this isn’t a political problem—this is a historical problem,” Gingrich said. “The Constitution of the United States says you cannot take money from foreign governments without explicit permission of the Congress. They wrote that in there because they knew the danger of corrupting our system by foreign money is enormous.

    “You had a sitting Secretary of State who radically increased his speech fees and there is a whole series of dots on the wall now where people gave millions of dollars who oh, by the way, happened to get taken care of by the State Department. You raised a good standard.

    “And of course, having been on the Watergate Committee, she knew exactly what to do. She erased 33,000 emails. Richard Nixon only erased 18 minutes. So you’re going to have a prima facie case that any jury would look at…”

    Stephanopoulos was floored. “You think a jury would look at the case based on—“ he interjected before Gingrich talked back over him.

    “I think a jury would look at the totality of this case and say it is clearly against the Constitution,” Gingrich said. “It’s clearly against U.S. law. DoD and [DoS] both have rules saying you can’t take more than $315.”

    Brazile jumped in at that point to try to help Stephanopoulos bail out the Clintons.

    “It’s a global foundation and they released all of their donors, something that—“ Brazile said, before Stephanopoulos corrected her. “Not all of them, some of them we found out this week,” Stephanopoulos corrected Brazile. “In the aggregate they didn’t, but it was the funding that—“

    Gingrich had had enough. “They skipped three years [of filings]—they just found out they skipped three years,” Gingrich said, referring to incomplete tax filings by the Clinton Foundation.

    “Look, they’re amending those documents, there’s no legal requirement to do so but—“ Brazile jumped back in.

    “A foundation controlled by your husband is the same as money to you—it is clear in federal law,” Gingrich cut across them again. “If it wasn’t Hillary Clinton it would—“

    Brazile cut him off again. “The only reason why we’re having this conversation is because they [the Clintons] released a list of their donors [to the foundation], something we don’t get from any of the Republicans for their PACs or foundations,” Brazile said.

    Stephanopoulos turned next to Bloomberg Politics’ Mark Halperin, asking him how serious this is.

    “The Clinton Foundation does great work and some of the charges against her are overstated, that’s on one side of the ledger,” Halperin said. “On the other side of the ledger, this is extraordinarily serious. Imagine if an assistant Secretary of State had done what Hillary Clinton—what we know that they [the Clintons] did. They’d be out of the State Department.”

    Stephanopoulos followed up with Halperin, asking pointed questions as if he were acting as both Clinton’s media defense man and ABC’s This Week host. “Which things?” he asked.

    “Commingling the family foundation, donations from foreign governments, increased speech fees and government actions,” Halperin said. “We don’t know about—“ Stephanopoulos was incensed. “We have no evidence of government action,” he cut across Halperin.

    “Well there were government actions taken,” Halperin corrected Stephanopoulos. “What we don’t know, and this goes to the emails, is what kind of communication did Hillary Clinton have on her private email account regarding her husband’s speeches and regarding the foundation’s activities that involved foreign donations?

    “If they hadn’t been so careless at the foundation, if she hadn’t deleted the emails and they put somebody out on the show today to answer the questions, I think a lot of this could be put to rest. But none of those things are true.”

    Bloomberg’s John Heilemann piled on the response to the Stephanopoulos-Brazile defense of Clinton.

    “That specific question that arises, which is: Are emails that revolved around these issues—your husband’s foundation work—did those fall under what you considered private emails and personal emails and therefore were flushed down the drain? Or were they part of the public record?

    “That is a question that has not been addressed, and she should answer that question, I think, because it goes to the core of whether there was the appearance of an obstruction of justice activity on her part by getting rid of that email server,” Heilemann said.

    Brazile, the Democratic strategist, lost control. “This is just more trying to look under the curtain to see if there’s any there there,” she said. “Again, I think they’ve been very forthcoming listing their donors and showing the aggregate amount and as Mark said doing good work. But this is just more ‘is there a there there?’ to see if there is some connection.”

    After some more crosstalk between Brazile and Stephanopoulos about whether the Clintons should have sent someone out the Sunday shows like this one to defend themselves—they both agreed the Clintons should have—Gingrich piped up again.

    “I think there’s a very simple case here—the Constitution says you can’t take this stuff, we have federal laws that say you can’t take this stuff,” Gingrich said. “If this was any person but Hillary Clinton, they’d be under indictment right now for a clearly straightforward problem.”

    After Stephanopoulos and Brazile interrupted Gingrich for a second, the former Speaker moved forward with his point again.

    “My point is they took money from foreign governments while she was Secretary of State—that is clearly illegal,” Gingrich said. “This is not about politics. It’s illegal. It’s dangerous to America to have foreign governments get in the habit of bribing people who happen to be the husband of the Secretary of State or next president of the United States.”

    Halperin then stuck the knife in.

    “Here’s why you know this is serious, because almost any Democrat who’s not Clintons’ payroll will tell reporters and others privately that these are serious issues,” he said. “Forget the politics. These are serious issues. The question for me right now is all these donors who gained and all these people who paid President Clinton to give speeches, what kind of communications did they have with people in the government? That may not be a quid pro quo, but everybody knows that a lot of those donations were from people who wanted access to the Clintons.”

    And Heilemann twisted it.

    “We have examples now where Barack Obama’s administration knew this was a potential problem,” he said. “That’s why they set up the agreement they had with the family—the agreement they had with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton when she took the job as Secretary of State. There are now several that we know of at this moment—several documented instances—where whether or not it’s illegal they broke their agreement with the administration.

    “When you think about the president having the standard of being the most transparent and open administration in history, what the Clintons have done here clearly is not the most transparent and open. I think that
    #200     Apr 27, 2015