Whether you like Trump or not.......

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jul 17, 2015.

  1. I think the Kerry situation was a lot different. Kerry was claiming to be some big war hero, but the people in his unit didn't remember it that way. Clearly he was in considerable danger though, but then he tried to have it both ways by coming home and becoming an antiwar protestor. Nothing wrong with that except that he called troops who were still under fire war criminals, etc. Totally unacceptable, particularly since he had no real evidence to back up his claims. He was a rich, privileged kid who played the system to his benefit, then for political gain slandered a bunch of poor draftees who had been forced into a terrible situation.
    #21     Jul 20, 2015
  2. The media is acting like the only person who said anything controversial was Trump. Trump had a rally in Arizona, and McCain characterized it as riling up a bunch of "crazies." That lead to a pissing match between the two men, both of whom have enormous egos and notoriously thin skin.

    So it is acceptable to call republican voters "crazies" but unacceptable to oppose illegal immigration or point out that many illegals are criminals?

    Trump made a verbal blunder in calling into question McCain's war hero status, but as I recall, it was commonplace for the left and media to do so when he ran against Obama. McCain undoubtedly got into the Naval Academy because of his father and grandfather, both admirals. He got a desirable pilot's slot despite a poor record at the
    Academy. His Naval record featured several mishaps. He endured horrors as a POW most of us cannot even imagine. When he came home, he dumped his wife, who was ill, and married a rich socialite whose money he has lived off. Ross Perot was so appalled that he cut off contact with him after basically supporting his family.

    And as for who served, Perry is the sole republican candidate who served. Webb the sole democrat. Perry flew giant cargo planes, which is not Rambo stuff but still requires plenty of skill and training. Webb was a legit war hero in the Nam. He saw plenty of combat up close.
    #22     Jul 20, 2015
  3. Yup . . . The Donald has just committed political suicide.

    he is toast ,
    find another horse to back.
    #23     Jul 20, 2015
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    :D I was wondering how long it was going to be until trump ripped into that turd Lindsey Graham.

    Trump Responds to Lindsey Graham Insult by Giving Out His Cell Number

    Donald Trump today fired back against Lindsey Graham calling him a “jackass” yesterday by just giving out his cell phone number.

    Graham was so offended by Trump’s attacks on John McCain yesterday, he said that Trump needs to quit being a jackass and getting out of the race.

    Trump responded by… well, doing what he does:

    Watch below, via NBC:


    #24     Jul 21, 2015
  5. Well, republican voters certainly jumped to McCain's defense...uhhh not so much apparently. We have had it up to here with a party establishment that lies to us and treats us with contempt.

    Now I just read that Trump's hero remarks were intentionally misquoted. He made a crack about McCain then said four separate times McCain was a hero.

    And isn't it telling that the republican party bosses were outraged that McCain was supposedly slandered but not one of them had any problems with McCain calling anti-illegal immigration voters "crazies."
    #25     Jul 21, 2015
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    Thats the thing if Trump was going after someone i gave a fuck about then i might actually care, i say so long as hes going after hacks like Lindsey Graham and John McCain, then its time to just break out the popcorn and enjoy the show.

    #26     Jul 21, 2015
  7. No, the remarks weren't misquoted. He said McCain wasn't a war hero, and when he was challenged on his remark, Trump sarcastically said McCain was a war hero because he was captured:

    #27     Jul 21, 2015
  8. Sad, but true. Everything about the VA and benefits, etc., etc., is nothing but spin. Bone spur boy needs to STFU.
    #28     Jul 21, 2015
  9. 377OHMS


    Trump is unelectable. Period. Full stop. He is at best a side-show and at worst will split the vote and hand the election to Hillary.

    But what he is saying is quite true. John McCain hasn't done a damned thing for veterans or his constituency except support the borders being opened. He was last in his class at Annapolis. He effected little damage on the enemy during his service. He refused to fight back in the general election. He selected a mindless (but very hot) neocon for his running mate. I defy anyone here to cite legislation sponsored or written by John McCain that was positive for the USA.

    Being captured and then conducting oneself as McCain did in captivity is honorable and he is a bit of a legend because of it but I would not categorize him as a War Hero.

    Alvin York was a war hero. Robin Olds was a war hero. JFK was a war hero. Huge difference.
    #29     Jul 21, 2015
  10. Ricter


    A sufficient but not necessary condition for military heroism.
    #30     Jul 21, 2015