Take down confederate flag, and change street names in public places?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Well obviously, we don't see it that way, but as a typical liberal, you're not interested in a debate or tolerating opposing viewpoints. All you want to hear is your way, and when someone disagrees, your first instinct is to have them banned, censored, prosecuted etc.
    #381     Jul 8, 2015
  2. And how many lives will be saved after the banning and censoring? None. Not a single one.They just refuse to address the indisputable fact that the most dangerous person a black man will come across is another black man. They refuse to even debate the staggering numbers of blacks being killed by other blacks. They refuse to recognize the the abject terror that is being perpetrated on black families by these roving gangs of black thugs. Lets obsess about a flag, wring our hands, and endlessly pontificate about things that have absolutely nothing to do with the horror being committed in these communities.
    #382     Jul 8, 2015
  3. fhl


    #383     Jul 8, 2015
  4. nitro


    #384     Jul 9, 2015
  5. nitro


    #385     Jul 10, 2015
  6. nitro


    #386     Jul 10, 2015
  7. The murderer was also shown burning the American flag. Does that image offend you? If you're offended by the sight of the Confederate flag, but not by the desecration of the American flag, you are a hypocrite and you are the problem. If your answer is that the desecration of the American flag is purely freedom of expression, but deny the same right of expression to people who want to fly the Confederate flag, you are a hypocrite, and you are the problem. Case closed.
    #387     Jul 11, 2015
  8. I don't know whom you're addressing your post to, but if you are offended by the burning of the American flag but not by the raising of the Confederate flag on American soil (and on government property at that!), then you are either a hypocrite or breathtakingly oblivious to your own country's history.
    #388     Jul 11, 2015
  9. Offended is the operative word. If the southern states freely choose to fly this flag I support their right to exercise that freedom of expression. I may disagree with what they're doing, and believe that they might be better off if they quit fighting the war that they so clearly lost, but in a free society I must be tolerate of those ideas which I don't agree with. This is the base foundation of what living in a free society is all about.
    If we're going to make judgments on what we can and cannot do based solely on what one or the other of us finds offensive, we're going to be trapped in our homes staring at the wall and little else. That type of fascist society is not appealing to me, so I practice what the left often trumpets, but seldom puts in to practice. Tolerance.
    #389     Jul 11, 2015
  10. The Confederate flag is symbolic of bigotry and racial divide. You will recall that it was even sported by those opposed to the civil rights movement in the 1960s and who favored segregation. That the state government would fly a flag connoting bigotry to anyone but the must obtuse, or those who pretend to be, is tantamount to institutionalized bigotry. And that is the land you want to live in? You seem very tolerant of the intolerant.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
    #390     Jul 11, 2015