Suicide And Trading

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Q3D, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Q3D


    Changing a screen name is not good for trading vendors. There should be a lot more new members if they were reincarnated after their suicide.
    #21     Jan 22, 2016
  2. ah, we just went down to the basement and now all we do is bitch about god and the weather
    #22     Jan 22, 2016
  3. Q3D


    What? Do you have any anecdotes or even any feces-stained pearls of wisdom to share?

    On the topic of anecdotal evidence about trader's suicides, I have witnessed numerous traders on Stocktwits express deep despair and shock following extreme losses from trading, this could easily lead to suicide if a secondary factor pushed them over the edge. The only ones showing their luxury cars are ones selling products, whether they act overtly or covertly.
    #23     Jan 22, 2016
  4. yes, you may ask me one question
    #24     Jan 22, 2016
  5. wrbtrader


    I'm going to assume you wrote something incorrectly by accident when you said the following...

    If you are not suicidal, you really have no business trading.

    I'm sure you meant to say that if you are really have no business trading. I strongly agree with such. Yet, being suicidal isn't really the issue. People like Mark Barton originally wanted revenge or to punish others or to bully others or to harass others. Simply, they wanted to cause others pain because they blame others for their problems...this is prior to them deciding to take their own life as the end result.

    This is repetitive in most of the mass shooting cases considering most had an "escape plan" regardless if the escape plan was good or not and when that escape didn't work...they killed themselves.

    Now lets get away from Mark Barton because I think that's a different situation that resulted in him killing himself considering he did in fact have an escape plan that failed. He then become suicidal.

    You may think you wouldn't think anything else of someone that prays for death to come. In my opinion, that's a careless and dangerous belief. For example, would you allow a suicidal person to live in your home considering that person suicidal thoughts can easily turn into "First, I'm going to kill those around me and then I'm going to kill others that caused my problems or part of the establishment that caused my problem and if I get caught...that's when I'll kill myself" ?

    Seriously, what if you knew someone that's a close friend that had suicidal thoughts but never been arrested or never been diagnosed with mental illness...he then tells you he's going to kill himself. Soon afterwards you find out he just purchased a gun...what if his suicidal thoughts become revengeful one day and you just happen to be in the way ?

    Simply, its easy to say what you said if you don't know the person or they don't live with you or they don't have access to your children or access to your love ones.

    My point, if someone is suicidal...they need help (intervention, counseling and possibly medication) and they certainly do not need to hear that its ok to become a trader if they have financial problems. In fact, one of the key elements in money management is to only trade with money you can afford to lose without causing you any financial harm.

    Heck, you don't need to be a doctor to know that trading is not formula to fixing suicidal thoughts. I'm confident that there's not one single psychologist or psychiatrist on this planet that will give advice to a suicidal person to use trading as a treatment or as an escape until they kill themselves.

    By the way, everyday there's people like you with those views. Suicide is OK but when its your spouse, parent, child, best friend...suddenly its not ok. :(
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
    #25     Jan 22, 2016
  6. Q3D


    Do you have any anecdotes to share about retail traders and their subsequent suicides? I can only imagine the suicide rate has increased with AI's exponential dominance of the markets.
    #26     Jan 22, 2016
  7. no my friend, if you are a survivalist, trading is not for you. Now...if you are suicidal, there just may be a place for you. What's the worst that can happen? You die?

    Live that way long enough and your suvivalist account will dwarf your suicidal account. But I would not allow any survivalists into my suicidal trading camp. They have really bad vibes.
    #27     Jan 22, 2016
  8. Q3D


    I've been through what you're making light of and I don't find it funny or amusing at all. Maybe this will shock many but I think if traders could romantically bond they would fill the emptiness leading to trading as a suicide preventative.
    #28     Jan 22, 2016
  9. wrbtrader


    As I stated...the worst that can happen is not that you can die. The worst is that someone with your beliefs may one day interact with you or interact with someone you care about. In that situation...someone that's suicidal may develop other thoughts too and they will then ensure that you die or ensure that someone you care about will die. Heck, most likely someone with suicidal will not even know it until something happens. In fact, in most suicide cases, family and close friends didn't even realize the person's thoughts had become so extreme.

    Please get help with your suicidal account...I wish you the best and hopefully someone close to you will get you help even if you deny you need help.

    I'm now going to tell you the last time I've seen traders have views like you and start threads about trading/suicide...2008 - 2009 financial crisis and the bubble burst of the days.

    Is the markets really that bad right now ????????
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
    #29     Jan 22, 2016
  10. nursebee


    Wassendorf tried.
    #30     Jan 22, 2016