Stocks Historical Data

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by Francisco Monteiro, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. Hello

    I'm looking for some historical data, but no need of back testing.

    Would like to know if you guys know any platform/software that allow me to choose the following criteria (just for example):
    1. Stocks price above 15$
    2. Gap Down below 1%
    3. Volume below 1 Million Shares
    4. Market Cap below 1 Billion
    The goal is to fill that criteria, run the software and get the following data as result:
    1. Close price
    2. Low of the day
    3. High of the day
    It's possible i get this informations for at least the last 3/4 years?
    Thank you,
  2. Handle123


  3. I want information from the last 3/4 years. Not just of the actual day. At Finviz it just give me information abou today. Or maybe i'm doing something wrong...

    Also i don't want the info about just one particular stock. I want info for stocks that meet my criteria on the last 3/4 years.
  4. just21


    You need to get the data from into your own database and then run some code to get the result you want.
  5. Handle123


    You doing something wrong, information you will have to go to each stock and if you join for free then hit MyBarchart then Screeners allows you to do most of what you want. You ever think about exploring sites people recommend to you? Really not hard to do. See at top says "screener? There like 10 tabs you can hit next to Overview.
  6. if you want your own dataset to crunch then use Quandl EOD database. it is $50 per month but gives you access to all OHLC stock data from 1996. Goto .