Sterling Pro trading Script Developer for hotkeys

Discussion in 'App Development' started by traderedcheong, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. i would like to try out Sterling Pro platform. Am currently on DAStrader with hotscript ability to auto-calculate my risk$ when i execute a trade with a stop loss price. i havent have any luck to be in contact with any Sterling programmer to assure me that such execution script can be done in Sterling Pro platform. Was hoping i can connect with anyone who could help. Thank you.
    HlibKozakXX likes this.
  2. Hi, I have such developers on my team. And we use sterling API, on a daily basis. So just write me back)
  3. Hi Hlib, had private reply you but didn’t manage to get your reply
  4. I believe me as a new user cannot receive or send the new messages without moderator approval)
  5. oh dear, how do we move on from here?
    You can add a to my username as shown here to get in touch with me. Thank you.

    HlibKozakXX likes this.
  6. WolfgangL


    Ich hätte auch Interesse an so einem Hotkey!