"spirituality" videos - Part II

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by smallStops, May 1, 2013.

  1. The interesting bit is actually the comments : I might as well keep them here.

    - " it's actually different, just, people can't accept that some women just aren't "nurturing"."
    I suppose if the characteristic of a sociopath is to be abusive, sooner or later the receiving end of the
    sociopath will be the kids. hence the aren't "nurturing".
    #1711     Nov 19, 2014
  2. - "You're pretty brave for sharing this, thanks for letting people know they are not alone".
    from a kid who thanks to these videos also got the courage to tell the effects of her sociopath parent.
    #1712     Nov 19, 2014
  3. very insightful assessment by the kids:

    -"sociopaths think that they are God... well I cant wait to see what happens when they die."
    #1713     Nov 19, 2014
  4. interesting advice given to the son of a sociopath :

    - "Get therapy for yourself & stay the hell away from her, mother or not."

    I never really understood the severity of sociopathy!!!!
    Always learning.
    #1714     Nov 19, 2014
  5. The advice are really consistent in the theme of:

    - " I hate to say it, but the only way out of this pain, is to get away from her. Then, you will begin to heal. You really CAN get over this.."

    Quiet a lot of compassion for the kid : "it's not your fault", "you must be really in pain".
    #1715     Nov 19, 2014
  6. The advice given to the son, as his sociopath mum would be doing some stalking, as sociopath do:

    - " It gets better bro. Just cut her out completely. I know it's easier said than done, because its been about 5 years and mine is still stealing my mail because 'she can do it better. ' so I closed all my bank accounts that she new about and changed my number."

    I am stunned that one kid of a sociopath had to change all his bank accounts, move overseas and quasi change
    One thing I find even more interesting : sociopath find this normal!!!! I now understand better what mental illness means!!!

    another interesting advice :

    -" I have known sociopaths. You must change your perception. The wy they see the world isn't how it works. The best treatment is unplugging moving away from this horrible influence. They don't want you to leave because you provide the supply. You must unplug from your mother and the jerk landlord or she will be the death of you. You can move get a new landlord and be distant. Distance creates respect. Therapy brings about independence. Must break free from smother CUT chord FOREVER!!"

    - " hello my friend from over the pond. I relate entirely with all you have and still are going through. I think though that you have overlooked an important fact, you are now AWARE of what you are dealing with, something she is lacking, and knowledge is power. none of it is personal which i know means little, now you have to take time away from her, permanently if need be, to heal, you come across as very articulate and brave.a tent on a farm will be better than living with her.you are free now"

    - "If your mother is a sociopath, then you need to drop all contact with her. As long as she is in your life you will feel pain and anxiety. If she is she will NEVER get you the things you want or need. Sociopaths need control, one way they get it is by finding what you want and need, then deny you these things. If you can't economically make it alone, do WHATEVER you must to get her out of your life. PTSD is debilitating, but you must take control. Do you have a good therapist?"

    - " You will never be well unless you unplug from your mother and give her nothing. For those who harm do not payback good. Attention and speech is supply. Don't speak or acknowledge. Don't listen to anything they say your answer must always be NO. Remove their web from your life. The sociopath is a disease burn and cut them out. They are not a human being. Soon enough they will find another sucker just mind that it isn't you."

    - " Hell has no fury like a woman scorned! When Women are evil there is nothing much that can compare. I have also experienced life having an abusive Mother & it's a dreadfully damaging experience. Especially Mother to Son relationships! E.g. look how Ed Gein turned out! However when we get older we do have a choice. I can only suggest you turn your back on these Women & start living for once before she destroys you completely. Mother or no "

    The number of commiserating kids is astonishing.
    They seem to also grab well the sociopath cravings : power and control, just looking for "suckers"
    to be at the receiving end of their abusive behaviors.
    It's true that at 1% of the population being sociopath, that leading to around 30 millions sociopaths,
    there are to be quiet a few kids who will come and support another kid having also a sociopath parent:

    - "I wanted to cry listening to this. I understand what you are dealing with,along with so many other people.Thank you for sharing this."

    - "Sorry Dude !"

    - " I can only imagine the pain and the damage your mother had inflicted from listening to you. You seem to have a very broken spirit and the life force is weak. My mother is a sociopath as well, but not as bad as your mother. I am lucky compared to you. I have a chance to leave her, forever. Wish me luck"

    - " Thanks for pouring out your heart. All I can say is try to make a friend that you can share your problems with. Maybe help you find an apartment where no landlord will even see you or bother you. Seek help from others, that is my only advice and stay away from your mom."

    - " You have done a really amazing thing here. Thank you for sharing. My mother is a psychopath too. You are a good person, honest and thoughtful. You deserve so much more. These women are a travesty."

    - "Thankyou for sharing your situation."

    In a very objective ( may be harsh way), one assessed the kid damaged by his mum sociopathy:

    - "People can get mad at you for saying such vicious things, but the truth is that you are clearly a very damaged, unhappy person, and you are doling out your punishment by acting in this way. There is a lot of sad darkness in your comments."

    - " the results of her abuse is very clear. You are still a victim in your own mind. You are still blaming all of your problems on your mother & landlord. You don't need a home of your own to start working somewhere. The truth is, thats an excuse because you are your own worst enemy. I'm not trying to be mean but its true. You need to seek out a mental health facility & get treatment."

    some talk in more philosphical terms:

    _ " The results of her abuse as with any kind of abuse are injury and/or difficult situations, which makes him a victim. He is not wrongly thinking he is a victim due to abuse. A victim is injured (psychiatric injury/PTSD) by no fault or weakness of his own. A victim of abuse shouldn't be blamed for being injured, being unable to escape, and/or being unable to get a job due to his injuries or circumstances caused by his abuser."
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    #1716     Nov 19, 2014
  7. This is the theory :

    And this is in practice :

    #1717     Nov 19, 2014
  8. hahahahahaha :

    How easy is it for sociopath to be involved with people they can not abuse
    easily ( another sociopath!!! lol)
    So if you need a sociopath or know one : a place where they can be understood
    and "find their match".

    Some people do not wish to have anything to do with sociopaths!
    Some people prefer "peace and harmony".
    Not everybody is into "power and control" and "manipulation".
    That's life!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    #1718     Nov 19, 2014
  9. I will once in a while revist/remind here what sociopathy is , so as to strengthen my resolve of
    creating a "sociopath free zone" :D :D :D

    I would have find it very difficult in the past to accept that I made myself attractive to sociopaths,
    sure I did not go my way to chase them, but I do understand I was a magnet for them. Now, thanks to
    this good coaching work, I can also work on myself so that only mentally sane and healthy people are
    attracted to me! lol. Who'd have thought one day I'd say that
    "only mentally sane and healthy people around me".
    #1719     Nov 20, 2014
  10. Someone has been asking "for all of this, what would resolve the matter now and forever?
    I do not want to wake up in 20 years time and realise that I have re-paid in multiple time the abuse I've participated in and thought I'd get away with."

    Well well well.
    Obviously this is a VERY wise person, who understands that there is something out there that
    makes things "even out", and there is really no getting away with actions only "menatlly ill" people would do.

    What can I say? let me think about it, I'll address the matter after being well informed.

    * * *

    As for me, 2015: back on the goals established between 2010-2014.
    They are still worth doing. :)

    Now, with the experience, I feel I do not want to waste time, so
    I am going the "motorway" :

    - for trading goal : go the VDPs way, aka "Very Deep Pockets".
    At least, I have an advantage, I have good ways of doing things now.

    * * *

    I have discovered that someone actually got the schools out there opened:
    more than 3,000 kiddies who would have never gone to school into well run and managed schools.
    Well: THANK YOU for the present :D :D :D
    I am looking forward to visit these: they might as well know how these got started.

    * * *

    Again MANY MANY MANY THANKS for the "clean up".
    I acknowledge my original contributions to the problem ( weak boundaries),
    and again MANY THANKS.
    PEACE is priceless.

    * * *

    For the idiots who believe they can never have any problems.
    Here are some pictures of before/after : imagine how many wealthy people lost it all.
    Ben Nan, one can not always run and escape easily.

    Just now it is the "Middle East" going through it, but actually no country is "immune"
    from some "sick people".

    I am glad we have some VERY courageous "intellectuals" and "comedians" who
    understand things well, and are working hard to make sure we do not let ourselves
    fall into the traps for other people's selfish benefits.
    #1720     Nov 20, 2014