Self-loathing and trading

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Q3D, May 29, 2016.

  1. If I had to give advice to my own son (without handing him my methodology in detail)...don't come back to this or any other trading site (sorry BARON) until your confidence and PnL have improved! There's a lot of value in the trading journey that you've accrued to this need to dig deep into all that experience. Think deeply (intuit) about all the losses you've endured over time and what seems to have persisted the most! Try and put any common denominators together that expose the condition recognition...method selection..etc...that has influenced your trading negatively. If it's only a question of method (not likely), value can be found where losses have persisted and a unique angle of inversion may be applied! You can combine this unique method perspective with better overall market condition analyses to improve performance. Where do you get better market condition analyses? It's already in you! You must dig deeply within your memory and hit replay over and over until you have some conviction or epiphany that explains why the past happened the way it did. Fluctuations of emotions and PnL never helped me either...I like to be calm and in control, where self restraint is easier to master. I know I'm in trouble if trading feels like I'm on cocaine! Maybe your personality is more at home with data and numbers and less with introspection (reflection)...if this is the case then I'm probably not helping, but I believe the experience of trading is so intense that most traders eventually look inside for answers, especially if all the advice from websites and trading friends fails to help. I believe something very powerful is contained within the human element...each of us that have persisted with passion and single-mindedness have learned much more than we realize! I believe the "ANSWERS" are already within you must put a puzzle together...there's more than one to find. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #11     May 31, 2016
    athlonmank8 and R123 like this.
  2. sowterdad


    "After five years of struggling as a trader all I can do is cling to the diminishing hope that my dreams are not dead."
    Are all of your dreams only achieved through trading? Unfortunate if that is the sole focus.
    Perhaps pause, make a shift, and reset the focus away from yourself. And your own personal trading. I would suggest you consider sharing your 'best' by offering to Mentor another aspiring struggling trader .
    Perhaps this sounds quite odd- but consider: Even though you may not have achieved consistent trading "success", you have years of experience that will allow you to unemotionally view another traders approach and implementation of their strategy.
    Your post suggests that you have both positive and negative experience that indeed has value, as well as a great deal of wide personal & emotional swings- which are likely negatives in your own trading.
    By taking the time to assist and guide another aspiring novice trader 1 on 1, you would lead by example, and ideally guide them to strive to be unemotional in their approach.
    This would seem to be mutually beneficial. And your dream lives to find another day.
    The caveat here is that i am not a 'successful or aspiring daytrader' = just contributing a different perspective for your consideration. Good luck.
    #12     May 31, 2016
    vanzandt likes this.
  3. In all my years I never met a really profitable trader who suffered from diarrhea of the mouth... so for all those repetitive useless long posts here, it keeps proving me right.
    #13     May 31, 2016
  4. Bad did you get through your losses when you first started trading? If you didn't find out yourself...then someone must of held your hand and taught you...or maybe you've never had losses? You tell us how a trader reaches success when they've been struggling for 5 years!
    #14     May 31, 2016
  5. we have to prove who makes more had to say something stupid. What a pain in the have to put a bunch of financial data together just to prove to someone I don't even know, that a person of depth can be really profitable. I promised myself a long time ago I wouldn't waste my time. If your daughter comes home with a broken heart, don't console her with diarrhea of the mouth...just give her a kick in the ass! I have to assume you're pretty shallow dude. I better not find any long useless posts in your post history!
    #15     May 31, 2016
  6. K-Pia


    It proves you right,
    Until your theory breaks down.
    Rational people look for refutation.
    Eventually it will cause there ain't no rational.
    IMHO, your post looks more shitty than anything else.
    So welcome to the club. Low quantity but topping intensity.
    #16     Jun 1, 2016
  7. Thanks for keep proving it.... nobody wants your financial statements and this post was directed to the OP so why are you so defensive?
    #17     Jun 1, 2016
    K-Pia likes this.
  8. Pl
    Defensive? Probably because of words like "Thanks for keep proving it" to begin this post. Your previous post set me off because sometimes there's nothing left to help someone get through there difficulty (especially after 5 years of probably trying everything)...except a market based psychological search...this takes a lot of words to express. My post was long and you expressed "useless long posts". Why would I not get defensive? And what keeps being proved to you? Anyways, if your post was truly not directed at me...I rescind my defensiveness.
    #18     Jun 1, 2016
  9. Read all of Q3D posts and you will see what I mean...typical ET diarrhea and it was at him my comments are directed. He spends more time writing useless drivel rather than actually devote time to trade...
    #19     Jun 1, 2016
  10. Fair enough.
    #20     Jun 1, 2016