"Scaling out" is inferior behavior

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by Buy1Sell2, Oct 18, 2006.

Do you scale out of positions?

  1. I always scale out

    113 vote(s)
  2. I scale out most of the time

    228 vote(s)
  3. Most of the time, I do not scale out

    189 vote(s)
  4. I never scale out

    270 vote(s)
  1. So everyone whores themselves out to YouTube nowadays?

    Do you think "Tom Hougaard" is the same way? This guy is touted as the 2nd coming of Christ. He seems to be traveling all over the world, giving speeches and seminars, is this big "trading = psychology" guru and I wonder how often he actually trades? I joined his Telegram channel the other day, he recently came back from a holiday, and today he has some sort of spiritual 3rd person discussion with himself and then abruptly ends the session 50+ minutes into it. Took 1 trade and made like 10 points on the DAX (although I'm not even sure if he made money, since he didn't post a follow-up chart and just left the channel + stream altogether, so who knows where he really exited).

    I guess you can't trust anybody.
    #1721     Apr 11, 2023
  2. tomkat22


    Nah I doubt if Kris has done ANYTHING on SIM in over 10 years. He took a 10k account to over 100mm in a 10 year span. Why in the world would anyone with that much money in their account need to still be fucking around with SIM trading?
    #1722     Apr 11, 2023
  3. Are we talking about the same person? https://qullamaggie.com/

    Has he proven profitability or does everyone just "know" it because everyone learns from anyone else? People talk about awesome traders but is there any hard data to back this up?
    #1723     Apr 11, 2023
  4. tomkat22


    #1724     Apr 11, 2023
  5. %%
    THAT sounds right , especially since the future is not exactly known , especially in futures.
    Scaling in a strong trend makes perfect sense;
    simply because one one not really'' know'' if a strong trend is a friend, even though the odds are the favor of a strong trend. Conviction has little to do with this, even a high probability trade can be wrong.
    Scale in works better in trading for me;
    who wants a max position in cutting a loss, if a smaller scale in loss is possible + sometimes it is.
    I could sell metals every day, never scale out sell those ; nor would i sell any ETFs just because i frequently sell metals= its a different business completely.
    An account full of trading profits, mostly smaller more fragile profits = that would make sense to ''sell all'' LOL:D:D But SCHW ''sell all'' button is per position/not sell the whole account full of different stuff.......................................NO such thing as one size fits all in trading/investing.
    #1725     Apr 13, 2023