Not making enough money in trading -----> Looking for a job>>PLEASE HELP!!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Iwilldoit, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. JamesL


    No one wants to do trades anymore. Everyone has been brainwashed into going to college for worthless degrees and piling up student loan debt. Very few people today know what a callous is.
    #11     Jul 24, 2016
  2. vanzandt


    Depends what his natural abilities are, can't put in that which God has left out. We are all are genius in our own way. The lucky find that genius early on and make the most of it. Thats why being a good parent is so darn important. Recognize that genius early and nurture it.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2016
    #12     Jul 24, 2016
    Iwilldoit likes this.

  3. Would like @Smart Money and @d08 opinion please
    #13     Jul 31, 2016
  4. nursebee


    Perhaps it is just time to grow up? If so, this is not a question for online, it is a question for inside your head.
    #14     Aug 1, 2016

  5. Define what you mean by "grow up"? get a job?
    #15     Aug 1, 2016
  6. wildchild


    You could spend a year learning to program and be pretty good at it, but who is going to hire you to program. You will be a guy with a business degree who tells a potential employer he knows how to program but has not way to verify it. They are going to want to see a comp sci degree or equivalent or some sort of experience to indicate you likely know what you are doing. Its by no means impossible, but its a tough sell.
    #16     Aug 2, 2016
  7. newwurldmn


    You didn't solicit my advice so what i am offering may not be useful to you. Your question was a "lazy man question" as we call in my household - you are expecting the answerer to do more work than the asker. That is probably why you are getting few responses.

    did you go to college? if so, what did you major in? what college (tier or rank) did you go to?

    If you did then obviously you should work in a field that you studied.

    If you didn't then you might want to consider a good trade school. it's not white collar, but not necessarily dirty and comp can be good and stable. also, you can structure hours (night shift or third shift) so you can trade during the day.

    If you want to program, there's contract work available for "home grown" programmers - but I would think that would not fit your stability requirements. a proper software engineering firm would require a degree I would think.
    #17     Aug 2, 2016
    nursebee likes this.
  8. volente_00


    A licensed master electrician or plumber in the U.S. bills $80-$100 per hr. Get your license, hire a bunch of journeymen licensed to work under you who are paid $25-$30 and you pocket the difference after paying your overhead. Use the business degree to help your run your own business.
    #18     Aug 4, 2016
  9. vanzandt


    Again, it depends on what one wants. Or more importantly, what one wants to do. People get college degrees and they want to believe that the yellow brick road is a given. Its not anymore.

    If I had a kid, I would co-sign for a new back-hoe and let him or her learn to operate that thing like Jerry Lee plays a piano. You will always always have work at $120 plus per hour. Schmooze your local utility and the city water commission as a sub-contractor... you will work as much as you want. 24/7. Yeah its "ugly".... but the $'s are there a thousand times more than going out and getting a job at Chase where you have to get sensitivity training and piss in a cup, living your life as a mega-sheep.

    Then you bag all this money, much of which is under the table from side-jobs.... and you buy a salvage yard. Next thing you know, you have a condo in Jamaica.

    -The millionaire next door. -vz
    #19     Aug 4, 2016