NBC & Univision to Trump: YOU'RE FIRED!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. nitro


  2. So nitro, you and your fellow geniuses feel we should choose up sides and have no commercial relations with people we disagree with politically?

    So SC could ban the purchase of Apple products, since the CEO is a gay loudmouth? The RNC should refuse to allow NBC or MSNBC to host any debates since they are clearly anti-American?

    I am waiting for democrats to call for a boycott of Saudi Arabia. Oh wait, they contributed millions to the Clinton slush funds, so they are safe.
    #22     Jul 8, 2015
  3. nitro


  4. #24     Jul 8, 2015
  5. The next time someone asks why successful businessmen don't go into public service, remind them of the lynch mob that is pursuing Trump. Who wants that, which of course is the whole point of the exercise. The establishment pols and mainstream media do not tolerate outsiders or interlopers. They will put aside their nominal differences to repel the threat.
    #25     Jul 8, 2015
  6. #26     Jul 8, 2015
  7. Trump gets owned by female reporter:

    Donald Trump Acts Like Total Jerk During NBC Interview

    Donald Trump lets everybody know when he doesn't like the way an interview is going.

    In a tense appearance with NBC's Katy Tur on Wednesday, the 2016 GOP presidential hopeful fired back at the reporter when she asked questions about guns, China and his infamous comments on Mexican immigrants being rapists and criminals.

    Trump, the celebrity hotelier and reality TV star, took offense to Tur asking if he had used a gun, calling it "none of your business."

    TRUMP: I have the license to have a gun, yes, I do.
    TUR: Do you own one?
    TRUMP: Yes, I do.
    TUR: Do you use it? Gun range?
    TRUMP: That’s none of your business. It’s really none of your business. I have a license to have a gun.
    TUR: Gun control?
    TRUMP: What are you talking about?
    TUR: Or stronger background checks?
    TRUMP: Yes, I have a gun and, yes, I have a permit to have a gun.

    When Tur asked Trump whether he might "piss off" foreign governments with divisive comments, like those he made about Mexico, he scolded her and asked her to use television-appropriate language.

    TUR: International diplomacy is a delicate thing. You have to watch what you say. How can anybody expect that you're going to be able to get into the White House and watch your mouth when you are so widely panned for these Mexico comments? How are you going to be able to hold your tongue and not piss off other countries?
    TRUMP: Do you want to change the word? Are you allowed to use that word on television?
    TUR: And not anger other countries?

    Trump repeatedly lambasted Tur as inept at her job.

    TUR: Why wouldn't you keep your manufacturing here? Your ties, your suits.
    TRUMP: Because China so manipulates their currency that it's very hard to find companies that can do business in the United States.
    TUR: You're a billionaire though. Why would you not move it here just for having it in America?
    TRUMP: Because I'm a businessman. Let me just tell you something, and it's very interesting. You're not bringing up anything new. You're acting like you're the great reporter, blah blah blah.

    When Tur mentioned that Pew research contradicted Trump's views on immigration, he snapped.

    TRUMP: Don't be naive. You're a very naive person.
    TUR: Pew research says that there are, for immigrants on the whole, create --
    TRUMP: Come on, get it out. Try getting it out.
    TUR: I'll get it out.
    TRUMP: I mean, I don't know if you're going to put this on television, but you don't know what you're talking about. Try getting it out. Go ahead.

    Trump accused Tur of focusing on negative comments that have been made about him when she brought up his conservative critics, such as Charles Krauthammer.

    "Are you going to mention the ones that do like Trump?" he asked. "You don’t do that, do you?"
    #27     Jul 9, 2015
  8. Ricter


    No conspiracy needed, just let the man speak...

    "The head of the Republican National Committee, responding to demands from increasingly worried party leaders, spent nearly an hour Wednesday on the phone with Donald Trump, urging the presidential candidate to tone down his inflammatory comments about immigration that have infuriated a key election constituency.

    "The call from Chairman Reince Priebus, described by donors and consultants briefed on the conversation and confirmed by the RNC, underscores the extent to which Trump has gone from an embarrassment to a cause for serious alarm among top Republicans in Washington and nationwide.

    "But there is little they can do about the mogul and reality-television star, who draws sustenance from controversy and attention. And some fear that, with assistance from Democrats, Trump could become the face of the GOP."

    #28     Jul 9, 2015
  9. Wallet



    You think Trump got "owned"?

    Take off your liberal glasses.... That reporter came across as ulterior, vindictive and retaliatory..... She probably cried after the interview.

    Nobody in either party (exception Trump) has the balls nor wants to address the real problems facing this nation. That's why there is an all out assault by both parties and their corporate masters to silence him.

    Long live the Donald!
    #29     Jul 9, 2015
    marketsurfer and der_kommissar like this.
  10. Wallet


    And every time he speaks more and more Americans listen.... The MSM would have everyone believe that he has no following, (" he doesn't speak for xxxxxx: you fill in the blank) but the average Citizen has had it up to the eyeballs from the establishment bureaucracy in Washington and can see past the onslaught of orchestrated negative media currently being fed. The GOP was given a majority in the House/Senate and a directive by the people, but they squandered it.. And along with it the support of their constituency. They have no one to blame but themselves. You think Trump's surge is contained to the GOP? Wait till the debates and the multitude of Independents who will line up for a person who will actually do something and tell it like it is.
    #30     Jul 9, 2015
    der_kommissar likes this.