Michelle Obama's School Lunch program: 4 million dollars worth of food thrown in the trash everyday

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Sep 22, 2014.

  1. fhl


    They weren't given a choice. The only option was Mooch's grub and they said no.
    #21     Sep 22, 2014
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Kids are fat because their parents are fat. You don't usually see fat kids with in shape parents. This has little to do with the food the kids eat, and a hell of a lot more to do with the exercise kids get. Why not mandate gym class and work on burning calories rather than mandating what they eat.

    When I was in school I ate all sorts of things that have long since been exorcised from school lunch rooms. I used to eat a whole meatball pizza - just me. And I was thin and in shape because after school I had football practice for 3 hours each evening. They ran me half to death.

    In the off season, I played with friends - hoops, foot ball, soccer, whatever...games we would just invent.

    We didn't go home and sit on our ass in front of the Xbox.

    This is not a food issue - it's an activity issue.
    #22     Sep 22, 2014
    DHOHHI likes this.
  3. Ricter


    The metabolic makeup of the mother is passed on to the child. It's not exercise, it's bad food. Thinking you can exercise your way out of bad diet is yesterday's thinking.
    #23     Sep 22, 2014
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    So incorrect. How did kids our age eat so much junk and still turn out just fine? If anything, the health push around food has gotten better, not worse, than it was in the 70s and 80s.

    Calories in minus calories out. If you don't balance them, you either get fat or have no energy. It's really that simple.

    Maybe what we need is yesterday's thinking - because we didn't have the problem yesterday.
    #24     Sep 22, 2014
  5. dbphoenix


    Dr Mengele is anti-people-making-their-own-decisions. He sees no reason why your tax dollars should be going to pay for the healthcare needs of the obese. I assume that includes obese children.

    Anti-Christian? Don't care enough about it to be anti. I just want them to butt out.

    Anti-liberty? You'll have to own that one.

    Fascist? Clearly you don't know the meaning of the word.
    #25     Sep 22, 2014


    Exactly. Almost 70% of the US adult population is overweight or obese. I too played sports in grade school and high school. And growing up after school when not playing a sport we played with neighborhood kids until dinner time and then usually afterwards until dark. Back then there were no PC's, no internet and best of all no social media. Many kids today are flat out lazy.

    What I don't get is people going out in public to dinner that can't get in a booth because they are so obese and then have to be seated at a table with chairs. Wouldn't one be self conscious? And looking at oneself in the mirror ... I'd think that would motivate anybody in that 70% to start a refined diet and an exercise program immediately. Yet these are the people driving up health insurance premiums due to their now 'pre-existing' conditions that were oftentimes brought on by what they do (or don't do) and what they eat (or don't eat).
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2014
    #26     Sep 22, 2014


    Again you nailed it. I ate Whoppers, Quarter Pounders with cheese, pizza, fries, etc. growing up in my teenage years and well into college and for years thereafter. I also played basketball twice a week as an adult for 20 years and have been running 36 years. I've since cut out almost all fast food but still enjoy a good burger now and then with fries. But bottom line regardless of diet you can keep your weight in check so long as you burn what you take in.
    #27     Sep 22, 2014
  8. dbphoenix


    There ya go. Pavlov would be so proud.
    #28     Sep 22, 2014
  9. Ricter


    The thermodynamics model has been debunked, because different types of foods with the same calorie count will have different hormonal responses, particularly the rise of insulin. Our kids are not getting fat because they are lazy, they are getting lazy because they are getting fat.
    #29     Sep 22, 2014
  10. DHOHHI


    Sorry to AGAIN present FACTS you cannot refute. That seems to be an ongoing issue you can't deal with.

    Your paint dry yet or are you stuck indoors for some other reason now?
    #30     Sep 22, 2014