McDonalds Responds To Minimum Wage Protests

Discussion in 'Economics' started by blakpacman, May 24, 2015.

  1. * ignorant? How did you draw that conclusion from what I wrote?
    * student? Same question as above
    * no experience? How so?
    * never made much money? Because of what?

    on ignore. What an idiot and that with 9000+ posts.

    #41     Jun 1, 2015
  2. piezoe


    It is a little more complex I think. Generally the labor market itself has a lot to say about wages. When you have government stepping in to supplement abnormally low wages -- current minimum is over 30% lower than mid 1960s minimum, which qualifies the current wage as abnormal-- a somewhat distorted labor market can result, and the tax payer ends up subsidizing businesses by yet another subtle mechanism. Sometimes taxpayer subsidies make sense, sometimes they don't. Here is a case where we might be better off to create a labor market where real wages more closely reflect real costs.

    I am hoping no one is going to use data from the 19th century or the great depression to justify their idea of normal.
    #42     Jun 1, 2015
  3. fhl


    #43     Jun 2, 2015
    blakpacman likes this.
  4. The bottom line is you get paid what the market perceives your value to be. If you don't like your pay, up your value proposition or perception---- it's in your hands, no one else is responsible for your situation other than the person him or herself. surf
    #44     Jun 2, 2015
  5. i960


    Right, because there's no such thing as social inequality and everyone is born equal. News to surf, the good 'ole USA is *not* egalitarian. There are literally generations of people who have to fight like hell to break out of the shit they're in. Do you think these people are even going to come from backgrounds that allows them to "up their value proposition" as if their parents are ready to pay for college right out of the gate?

    Those who have the money do their damnedest to keep the money.
    #45     Jun 2, 2015
  6. piezoe


    It isn't unusual for someone who asks "why don't they get off their ass and make something of themselves?", to have no interest in the answer. When the question is rhetorical it's because the one asking thinks they know the answer already; yet invariably they don't.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    #46     Jun 3, 2015

  7. I completely disagree with you. Wealth does not discriminate and has nothing at all to do with college. You seem hung up on "college"--- there are plenty of folks with degrees making around minimum wage-- and plenty of college dropouts or even high school drop outs who are billionaires--

    You get what you focus on and work smartly toward in this world--- anyone can make it provided desire, passion and smart work---


    Ps-- i know a freaking migrant worker who still speaks broken english who now runs a million $ per year landscaping biz. So enough of the blame game and weak excuses. peace.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    #47     Jun 3, 2015
  8. ph1l


    $10 Big Macs coming soon to California?
    I remember when I thought they were overpiced at $1 each!
    #48     Sep 15, 2023
  9. Overnight


    These greedy franchisees really should give the workers a decent wage for the crazy work they do, especially considering how much net wealth you have to have to become a franchisee to begin with. It's not like $250,000 is going to fucking hurt them in the pocketbook that much.

    It's repetitive detailed work that requires a good deal of concentration.

    Can you imagine doing this for 8 hours, day-after-day-after-day?

    #49     Sep 16, 2023
  10. ph1l


    If the extra cost is really $250,000 per year, it could make a big difference to the franchisee.
    If a McDonald's franchise wants to stay in business, it would probably need to pass the extra costs to the customers.
    #50     Sep 16, 2023
    murray t turtle likes this.