Linda Raschke’s 12 Technical Trading Rules

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by Chuck Krug, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. wrbtrader


    You do notice there's no mention of the rules tied to any specific trading instrument.

    Simply, depending upon what you're trading...some rules will work and others do not work. For example, I've been using rule #3 decades even though she didn't design it. Its a commonly known rule not ping to any specific trading instrument that I first came across back in the late 1980s talked about by some retired floor trader and later mentioned again in Stocks & Commodities by a successful private equity trader (also a former institutional trader).

    She did at one time have a documented track record and was once audited. Not sure if she still has a chat room. I remember once hearing she was going to get rid of it because it was a pain in the butt

    If someone has computerized those general rules...once again...results should differ from trading instrument to trading instrument. Therefore, it will work for someone while not working for someone else due to the fact that two traders aren't trading the same trading instrument. In addition, the results will differ from one trader to the next trader due to the fact the trade management is different after entry. Throw in another variable like one trader having a trading plan while the other does not...results should be all over the place (bad and good) from trader to trader.

    My point is this. They are general rules. Its your responsibility to merge them into whatever trading plan you have while knowing someone else using the exact same general rules will be applying them in a completely different trading plan...resulting in different results (bad or good).

    By the way, I believe she has or had a successful hedge fund.
    #11     Sep 3, 2015

  2. Yes, she is a well respected hedge fund manager who has recently re-launched her flagship fund.
    #12     Sep 3, 2015
    zbestoch likes this.
  3. J.P.


    But is there a track record on anything that she's done?
    #13     Sep 3, 2015
  4. jsp326


    Yeah, that's my question...and it's still not answered.
    #14     Sep 3, 2015
  5. wrbtrader


    She doesn't participate at this forum. Therefore, you're going to need to contact her, go to her personal website, hedge fund website or just use Google. :D

    The fact that she's a hedge fund manager may imply her performance record is listed at the site of her hedge fund (not at her personal website) or in whatever public documentations of all hedge funds.

    Google is really good. I highly recommend it. :cool:
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
    #15     Sep 3, 2015
  6. jsp326


    You've managed to ramble for 10 pointless paragraphs. You could've done a Google search in that time. There's still not one iota of evidence that (1) her rules have any edge in modern markets (2) she's had a profitable track record for significant period.
    #16     Sep 3, 2015
  7. Yes, she's tracked by all the major rating agencies.
    #17     Sep 3, 2015
    zbestoch and wrbtrader like this.
  8. wrbtrader


    I wouldn't have told him that ALL major rating agencies tracks her performance.

    Next he's going to ask you for the names of all the agencies and their website links because he refuses to use Google. I'm not a fund manager and I at least know their names from simply reading bloomberg. :D

    Geeesh...can't folks do their own research these days. This isn't grade school.
    #18     Sep 3, 2015
    zbestoch likes this.
  9. wrbtrader

    wrbtrader (less than 10 pointless paragraphs)
    #19     Sep 3, 2015
  10. Yeah, he is going to have to figure it out on his own. Your right, i should have said some or most! surf
    #20     Sep 3, 2015
    zbestoch likes this.