Lesbian Houston Mayor Goes After Churches

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. jem


    wow... I did not even really expect you to drop down that low into a pile of b.s.

    Leftist bullshit does not change reality.
    You can't cite leftist bullshit as your support for telling me I was wrong when I said that laws allows men into the girls and women bathroom.

    A man does not change his DNA or his anatomy by by clicking his heal 3 times... as much as you a db (see the judy garland reference) might wish it so.

    You are a troll liar and you were caught again.

    and even your pile of bullshit is bullshit.

    nothing in the law could claim gender identity is not immutable. There is no law that says once you declare you are women you can't go back. Whether its innate or not is unknowable at best. But its just like saying gender orientation is innate as leftist like you once said.

    However, we know... in fact I know... of gay women in the 80s who are now married.

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2014
    #241     Oct 27, 2014
  2. stu


    You sound just like one closet gay boy rushing to the defense of another.:p
    #242     Oct 27, 2014
  3. LEAPup


    He (or "it") obviously has issues, as he's now trying to let us all know he's queer, and we've "gotta" embrace the sickness. Ok...
    And speaking of women and men in the same head.. I was married for 10+yrs, and we did everything around each other EXCEPT use the bathroom at the same time. Sure, I'd take a piss while she was in the shower, but we NEVER dropped any grumpies around each other! I've walked in after she tried to spray, and just damn, how could such a foul smell come from such a pretty gal!?! Lol! I really can't imagine what it would do to my psyche to be in the head around gals, grunting, and dropping stinkers. Oh no!! Just no!!!:eek::(:eek:
    #243     Oct 27, 2014
  4. stu


    I can't cite? Even after many attempts you couldn't spell the word properly until you were educated here.

    You made the stupid comment so you back up your completely false and untrue statement, that "laws allow men into the girls and women bathroom." Shit you can hardly grammatically string a sentence together never mind understand the issue.

    You should also ask yourself why the only thing you get fixated on in anti-discrimination law is believing scare stories about bathrooms .

    You've no more knowledge on the law than you have on biology. DNA testing shows a genetic difference in transsexuals. So much for your ignorant crap on changing DNA.

    Defining gender and defining innate, as both descriptions apply, has been and is done in law; was done in Houston.

    Sounding like a sexually insecure messed up white Christian male perv, you wouldn't know any better.
    #244     Oct 27, 2014
  5. LEAPup


    Whatever. Enjoy whatever illness you chose, but know you're NOT normal by any means. And I'll guess you're not planning any sight seeing trips to Russia any time soon, since they're allowed to beat queers down and all. I don't accept their physically attacking fags, but do understand their not wishing to have the sickness forced on them as normal. Never in a million years would I dream of saying this, but here goes: my President would be Putin ANYDAY over your pansy, half-ass communist loser. Yeah, I like the Russian President much more than my own...:(
    #245     Oct 27, 2014
  6. stu


    Well if anyone didn't know you have some seriously weird repressed sexual emotions as well as a gun fetish, they sure do now
    #246     Oct 27, 2014
  7. LEAPup


    Really? You're going to go there with his writing? Have you re-read yours? Thanks for the comedy! Lol!
    #247     Oct 27, 2014
  8. stu


    Take a pill.
    #248     Oct 27, 2014
  9. LEAPup


    Well, maybe the thought of a pretty gal taking a nasty dump doesn't bother you (wonder why?), but it bothers me. Especially if she thinks she's gonna drop a grumpy, then drag her shitty ass in bed like nothing happened! Oh no! I agree with comedian Martin Lawrence here. She's gotta wash that thing first. Lol! OR, at least hide it, and not let me know it was a dump. And yeah, a head full of gals grunting, and dropping stinkers beside me, isn't something I could handle, so there you have it.
    #249     Oct 27, 2014
  10. stu


    She was obviously trying tell you something in a language you'd understand.
    #250     Oct 27, 2014