Jim Rogers: "this is going to end very, very badly for the whole world"

Discussion in 'Economics' started by JTrades, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. follow rogers and you'll be eating his bowties for breakfast
    #11     Nov 13, 2014
    blakpacman likes this.
  2. jem


    I love hearing his analysis... about how the Fed has destroyed the value of the dollar. for instance... just look at the price of milk or bread. He can be funny and its accurate. The value of a dollar has been destroyed and I wonder how anyone can argue with him but they do.

    But, I am not so sure you can bet on his other predictions and make money. He has been right and he has been wrong and there really has not been much money laying in the corner waiting for us to sweep up.
    #12     Nov 13, 2014
  3. S2007S



    these guys have it right. If the fed never printed trillions of dollars these guys would have been right a thousand times over again....the next collapse is coming and all three will be proven right...it's just the massive manipulation on wallstreet makes these guys look like their crazy.
    #13     Nov 13, 2014
  4. Timing is everything. Unless you plan to sleep for 1000 years and wake up right.

    You would probably fuck that up too, come to think of it
    #14     Nov 13, 2014
  5. qxr1011


    Jim is right: this is going to end very badly...and for everybody :)

    But it is not over until its over, and when its over does it really matter how its ends?

    so enjoy the ride while it last,

    and when the tide will change the direction... so what?

    we are not investors here, we are traders (or wanna be traders)

    #15     Nov 14, 2014