if you're apple and your gay clap your hands

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 1011011, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. 1011011


    where does gay fit in god's master plan? in the end, maybe the human element trumps persecution
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    You should ask the member AfterLOS. He's quite fond of homosexuality according to his posts.
  3. Ricter


    Where does exterminating an entire city's population under volcanic ash fit in God's master plan?
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Not enough lambs sacrificed?
  5. Stupid question. There is no "God".
  6. Ricter


    Silly residents, they ate their lambs!
    Tsing Tao likes this.
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Stupid is as stupid says.
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Lamb inflation? :)
  9. fhl


    At least we've got you to admit it happened.

  10. I've called aaple products targeted at girlie men forever.

    guess Jobs took that very seriously and wanted to make sure

    #10     Oct 30, 2014