I have bought Al Brooks' Trading Course

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by Visaria, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. Pigsky


    In looking for mentors.... it is important to remember that ET is not a professional networking site. Nor is it an educational site. Maybe it can be in some situations but to come here looking for such will lead to disappointment. So before complaining about the quality of education provided.... we must remember this site wasn't set up to be an education provider.

    I mean, come on.... everyone except newbies should know that much of what is posted online anonymously is not serious or real. For example KP caught someone trying to pass off a sim blotter as real. That's the tip of the iceberg LOL!!! Users also get busted for faked blotters, alias shills, taking credit for trade calls they never made, contradictions in posting history regarding their background, etc. You can't take these characters seriously... and to expect mentoring from them...?? LOL
    #741     Sep 30, 2015
  2. Visaria


    I wanted to share something that Brooks said in one of the first videos...i don't think he would mind.

    He said that if trading makes you miserable or unhappy then you shouldn't do it. You can make (a lot of) money from plenty of other activities that are not trading related.

    Something to ponder...whether or not you should be trading in the first place. Might save years of time and money.
    #742     Sep 30, 2015
    mess7777 likes this.
  3. zbestoch


    I've not been here very long. Spent a lot of time reading through ET history though. I have a number of posters I selected to "follow," many of whom haven't posted in a long time. Going back in time here is like an archeological dig where you start by going clawing through land fill muck and garbage before getting to the lost city of Atlantis (ok, a bit of hyperbole, but I'm trying to make a point). Like life itself, everyday brings with it new garbage and new waste, and it has to get dumped somewhere. I guess some folks find this as good a place as any to take a virtual dump. But there is some great stuff posted in the past, and some decent stuff currently being produced. I find I enjoy it best by keeping largely to myself. In this thread alone, for example, there is a ton of crap of no value. But what good would it do me to call it out? I'm content to keep my eyes open and my head down, and should I happen upon a potential nugget, I'll pick it up, give it a polish, and if it shines, I'll tuck it in my pocket. If its just fools gold, I just as easily toss it away.

    Hope you stick around EPrado.
    #743     Sep 30, 2015
    KDASFTG likes this.
  4. wjk


    Brooks teaches how to read charts the way he does. It's up to the reader to use that to his advantage or not, on whatever time frame that fits the reader. It really is just that simple. If he was trying to sell a holy grail, he'd be charging thousands, not hundreds. It amazes me that people trading are worried about a few hundred bucks. Seriously.

    For those who want a mentor looking over their shoulder, what would you think of your mentor if he called 5 or 10 losers in a row, even if he had a proven great record. This beat down on Brooks is almost beyond comprehension.
    #744     Sep 30, 2015
  5. dartmus


    This character defect will stay with you like stink on s until you correct it. You can't wave your hand and make it disappear. Truth follows each of us for Eternity. Even in this post where you say you're done you're still disparaging forty. The entirety of the truth about 40 is a much smaller detail than the fact ...

    *** you're the reason 40 left ET. ***

    When you accept this you will have aligned yourself with the truth. At that time you will be free ....even to discuss 40. But until then you will lose every discussion that involves him.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2015
    #745     Oct 1, 2015
  6. dartmus


    I accept Brooks the way he is with all his flaws, real or imagined, true or false, ...because my life is better with Brooks in it than without him. I'm grateful for his imperfections because for my own personal reasons those imperfections are as much of a blessing as his positive qualities.
    #746     Oct 1, 2015
  7. wjk


    I need to stand corrected on this post. I set up an app on a tablet, and went back through all my trade defaults and preferences at Oanda, and discovered they had added a feature to determine what time I want the daily chart to begin. I now have my Oanda charts and TS charts in alignment.
    #747     Oct 1, 2015
  8. dartmus


    Do you (or anyone else) know the official closing time of the London day session? I'm intentionally leaving this question open ended by not including which market I'm referring to. Because I'm not sure which product should determine this. It might even be fdax but it's not clear to me if London and Frankfurt have different session times. Hopefully I won't have to dig into this and someone will intuitively know the time when the London markets effectively lose their greatest participation in the world markets.

    However, that doesn't mean I only want an approximate time. It must be the exact closing time and I have studied this in depth in the past and will verify it again but it definitely will help me to see this from someone else's point of view. Currently I have 2am to 11am CST Chicago time.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2015
    #748     Oct 1, 2015
  9. 40? been active on et since 2002--- never heard of 40--- sure he wasn't banned for being a vendor and selling $5 ebooks??
    #749     Oct 1, 2015
  10. wjk


    At the bottom of the chart, the thin grey lines are the session times. This might help, though I didn't check all the sessions they list (I'm getting ready to head out momentarily), but I think London is one of them. I think you pass your cursor over the line, right click, and it tells which session, and you could than take the chart down to a lower frame and you might get the session end time that way. Don't know how exact, though.
    #750     Oct 1, 2015
    dartmus likes this.