Flash Boys

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Steve Ladd, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. I just read “Flash Boys” by Michael Lewis. Is the book accurate? Does “front-running” ever happen to retail traders?
  2. Hft are typically liquidity providing so ya they trade order flow... Not without risk..
  3. 1245


    Honestly, I don't give it a second thought but I never trade big size.
  4. Occam likes this.
  5. what kind of liquidity are you talking about?
  6. I think these kinds of things should be forbidden, hft are just parasites who use the market only with their own interest.
  7. Ryan81



    When HFTs have orders resting on the exchange that they never intend on allowing to be filled, it's standard operating procedure. When an individual does it, apparently they can end up in prison :wtf:

    But honestly, every order I place has a limit price. Either a counterparty (HFT or not) is willing to trade, or not. I believe that the more market participants there are, the better for all traders (e.g. smaller bad/ask spreads.)
    Pekelo likes this.
  8. sprstpd


    It only seems fair to start jailing the creators of HFTs now. Please let me be on the jury.

  9. Interesting, I never knew about Liquidity Rebates.....9:45

    How HFT Works

    Cuddles, Flynrider and Ryan81 like this.
  10. It was a great explanation of HFT. So for every million dollars traded, the HFT firm gets about $2500 in rebates ? So whats the average daily volume of an HFT firm ?
    #10     Jul 28, 2016