ETFs and corporate actions - Trading the un-tradable.

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by Rationalize, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. So

    Say a large cap goes into a trading halt

    For some announcement / corporate action

    And various index futures, and ETFs it's included in are still trading


    Any one who knows what I mean - feel free to share war stories.

    Fortunes made & lost etc :)
  2. Sig


    The ETF stops tracking it's underlying because no one can arb the creation units. No free lunch.
  3. Uh
    I've seen / been involved in situations where we/they would still make block prices and lay it off with futures temporarily, taking on the synthetic delta of the halted leg.

    Im looking for recent stories / disasters.
  4. 2rosy


    you do not need the entire constituent basket to create/redeem.
  5. Talking "vs close" cash creates?
  6. Sig


    You certainly do for most, can you point out an exception?
    Rationalize likes this.
  7. newwurldmn


    I see it a lot in biotechs. Stock halted for drug announcement and etfs are stil trading in after hours and regular session "implying" a price for the halted stock
  8. Yep. Get close prices. Back out those legs. Get an implied for the halted.

    I reckon there's got to be a reasonable trade there from time to time. Trade the halted stock via the etf, minus other legs.
  9. 2rosy


    there's a component "cash in lieu" of delivering shares. also, your broker most likely will give a large haircut if you 95% balanced
  10. Sig


    But they're not going to allow "cash in lieu" for a component that isn't trading at the time, since there isn't a way for them to determine what the amount should be.
    #10     Jul 11, 2016