Donald Trump Will Win!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Speculate, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Trump be a Baller and a Shot Caller. Don't dis the Donald or you will suffer the wrath of these two ladies.
    #31     Aug 12, 2015
  2. ipatent


    I predict Trump will keep picking up steam on the force of his personality until one day he will say something so completely over the top that he'll self-destruct. Then voters will try to find a "practical" candidate, probably Bush.
    #32     Aug 12, 2015
  3. A question for the Trump supporters? Many of you have stated that you have zero interest in putting more boots on the ground in Iraq for any reason. Trump is on the record stating he will put more boots on the ground to deal with ISIS and other terrorists, specifically in Iraq. How do you feel about that? It's a very serious issue and something that will absolutely have to be dealt with. Many lives are on the line if more troops are put into combat.
    For the record I have stated and will confirm that I believe more boots on the ground is the only way to deal with ISIS. At some point, that's where this goes. Should have been done already.
    I'm just curious how those of you that are ardent Trump supporters feel about this position.
    #33     Aug 12, 2015
  4. fhl


    I can answer that. He just stated yesterday he would bomb the hell out of the oil areas and then send in troops to surround the oil fields. And he would take the oil fields that ISIS currently controls. I like that idea.
    #34     Aug 12, 2015
  5. I'm not entirely sold on this particular method, but killing ISIS is a priority. I don't know how he gets this past congress and I don't know how many of his supporters will accept this once it becomes more headline news that this is his position.
    As I have stated I'm not in the Trump camp as of now, and it's unlikely that I will be. I do like his straight in your face attitude and sticking a finger in the eye of the establishment. I just don't think many of his supporters know what's coming with a Trump presidency, and I don't know how he gets his ideas past a do nothing congress which is unlikely to see much of a change.
    #35     Aug 12, 2015
  6. Speculate


    Hey CO - I agree 100% and thats a good question re ISIS.

    The sad fact lets remember is that ISIS is just the monster that was created as a result of US & coalition troops on the ground (and the incompetence of the Bush admin). Taking out Saddam and supporting the Syrian rebels (early ISIS) as they tried to take down Bashar al-Asaad.

    Alas if US troops do go back, it's to clear up the mess the US and allies created. If we had left the place the hell alone we wouldnt be in this pickle, we'd have less terrorism threats etc - imo. We should have just stuck to Afghanistan.

    Probably another thread....

    Go Donny Go!

    #36     Aug 12, 2015
  7. Speculate





    #37     Aug 12, 2015
  8. gwb-trading


    Trump FINALLY touches on some of the issues... well sort of... well not all that much...
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    #38     Aug 12, 2015
  9. gwb-trading


    Fox Issues Unconditional Surrender

    We were told it was a fight Trump could never win - a picked battle with the most trust institution in conservative America: Fox News. The numbers made it clear. Trump was done. It was only a matter of time.

    And yet here we have it: Fox's unconditional surrender. Fox Capo Roger Ailes was forced to choose between star anchor Megyn Kelly and Trump. And he made his choice: Beg Trump for forgiveness, mend fences and welcome Trump back into the fold.

    We'd seen hints of this in Trump's claim that Ailes had called him to promise he'd get fair treatment from Fox going forward. A claim Ailes later confirmed. But now Gabriel Sherman, chronicler of all things Fox has the inside details. And like everything else that could possibly be spawned by the unholy union of Roger Ailes and Donald Trump, it's ugly.

    According to Sherman, Ailes didn't just call Trump to get the relationship back on track. He apparently called Trump "multiple" times "begging" Trump to declare the Trump v Fox war over, which he eventually did. He offered him a full hour on Kelly's show. Trump refused. Any other show. Trump said he'd think about it. Anything for a cessation of hostilities. But as Sherman points out, "that process has meant that Fox has had to mute its defense of Kelly, who is now watching uneasily as the Fox audience turns on her: According to one high-level source, Kelly has told Fox producers that she’s been getting death threats from Trump supporters."

    So there you have it, the fabled Fox v. Trump War lasted all of six days, just as long as the Six Day War and perhaps even more decisive of a victory for Trump.
    #39     Aug 12, 2015
  10. Fox really is the outhouse of journalism. And Ailes's peace offering to Trump is a bag of prunes.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2015
    #40     Aug 13, 2015