Discussion on stocks with earning reports due

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by hajimow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. hajimow



    I created this thread so we can chat on any stocks that their earning reports are due. This way everything will be under one umbrella and we wont have separate threads on AAPL, NFLX, INTC, ...... As the earnings are released, we can move on and discuss on new stocks.
    Today NFLX and INTC announced their earnings. Both are up AH. Since this Friday is option expiry week (I know that they also have weekly options) but INTC and NFLX should gravitate through their option strike price. I see INTC closing at $30 and NFLX should also drop to $100 and even lower. By the way I don't trade these stocks.
    xandman likes this.
  2. xandman


    An 8 dollar jump is par for the course with NFLX. I trade pre and post earnings options on NFLX frequently, but not so much after this stock split. It's at 107.94. After earnings meandering is typical.

    I am curious about what people are doing with Google.
  3. hajimow


    GS, Philip Morris, Ebay, Google, Charles Shwab will announce on Thursday.
    I believe for NFLX to worth $100, it should have $8 to $10 earning per share while it only has 6 cents !! When the music stops, .....
  4. Sotnis


    How do you expect markets to behave when apple launches apple streaming? Netflix is going to be hit and it will immediately reflect on share pricing. What do you think?
    Zestilio likes this.
  5. i960


    Short 2 Aug 15 NFLX straddles at 98.57. We'll see how it looks in the morning.
  6. JDamlan


    Looks like the week started off well with BAC beating estimates. Can finally say the fall of '08 is fully in the past
  7. xandman


    Research the Amazon reaction. Even though everybody says Hulu is better, the stock price has pressed on.
  8. xandman


    Banks are rather interesting from a long term view. Their earnings expansion was due to cost cutting. They should start making more money with a steeper yield curve.
  9. Banks are majorly interested in long term investments only because that yields their huge amount of revenues.
  10. hajimow


    INTC is pulling back and gravitating to 30 for tomorrow's close and even maybe 29. I have not lost my hope on NFLX to close at 100 tomorrow. You don't buy NFLX because of valuation, you buy it because of its momentum. Maybe a good trade would be buying PUT 105 expiring tomorrow.
    #10     Jul 16, 2015