Capitalism is not sending jobs and money overseas - Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. jem, that reminds me of a recent prostate exam; wasn't pleasant then, not pleasant here

    but, ya have to agree Trump is almost as pleasant

    your miles may differ:D
    #11     Feb 11, 2016
  2. Ricter


    How the h*ll do you think raising tariffs (more) would encourage US manufacturers to remain, and encourage manufacturers abroad to return?
    #12     Feb 11, 2016
  3. Tariffs are to the left wing what Minimum Wage is to the right wing. Or visey versy. Either way, it is just taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another.

    The good thing about Tarrifs is they stimulate economic activity in the smuggling business.

    The good thing about the Minimum Wage is it encourages under the table labor which lifts many immigrants out of poverty.
    #13     Feb 11, 2016
  4. Ricter


    And sometimes that's ok. But raising tariffs higher is not going to help onshore manufacturing.
    #14     Feb 11, 2016
  5. gwb-trading


    Traditionally increasing tariffs has always helped onshore manufacturing - as with all other protectionist trade barriers. History demonstrates this clearly.

    It also increases prices for consumers and has other undesired effects such as reducing innovation.
    #15     Feb 11, 2016
  6. do you want your grandchildren to become manufacturers? If they can learn to speak Mandarin they can go over to China and work in the iPhone factory and get room and board.

    America no longer values mundane labor which a robot can do.
    GO EAST YOUNG MAN! They are still hiring uneducated labor.
    #16     Feb 11, 2016
  7. I believe it would help. The first company they should drive into bankruptcy is CAT. There are more than a couple manufactures that can pick up that work. Tariffs should just go across the board. Tax the shit out of any company that manufactures offshore, and provide tax incentives for those that manufacture in the U.S. Tax any company that grows it's bottom line through downsizing. Provide tax incentives for those that hire. We need a complete upheaval in manufacturing. Total destruction of those who have made all their profits by offshoring and unnecessary layoffs. Complete and total destruction. Some jail time for intentionally destroying our economy as well. Should have been done years ago. Hell, I may vote for the Bern if he can come up with a viable plan to take'em all down. Fuck'em! Blue collar suffers, they all suffer. No justice, no peace. I'm going full radical.
    #17     Feb 11, 2016
  8. As President of the United States, I will not rest until the poorest person is just as rich as the richest person!
    #18     Feb 11, 2016
  9. jem


    how the hell did the north in America expand its industrial base to become the largest in the world.
    how the hell the the asian tigers and japan grow.
    how the hell did china grow.
    (if you really want me to explain the theory I will... but it should be obvious to person who likes econ like you. )

    protectionism including selective tariffs have worked throughout history to encourage a manufacturing base.

    by the way... the econ we learned was theory... like the markets are 100% efficient theory and no one can make profits in excess of the market in the long run.

    reality is the markets and currencies are rigged and free trade allowed the extraction of Americas wealth and manufacturing base... and obamatrade just shows our cronies are vampires and anyone who supports that shit is either a vampire or a predator of americas working class.

    the above was simply the theory of why the trade deals were bad... now think about what happens when the markets are rigged.

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2016
    #19     Feb 11, 2016
  10. gwb-trading


    The proper way to use Tariffs is the way the Europe has commonly used them - to punish countries that place tariffs on your exports.

    Let me use this as an example. Chinese companies can export refrigerators and TVs to the U.S. where we charge minimal (if any) tariffs on these items. When the U.S. exports refrigerators or TVs to China, China charges a large tariffs on these items. This is why when you shop in China the price of American appliances is much higher than Chinese appliances and appear to be poor values in comparison.

    The fix. Mirror the Chinese tariffs to force fair trade. You put a 60% tariff on refrigerators from the U.S. then the U.S. will charge a 60% tariff on TVs from China. The external nations will quickly get the message.

    European countries did this decades back to China, Korea, and Japan with automobiles and these Asian nations quickly dropped their European car tariffs.
    #20     Feb 11, 2016