Can anyone explain what’s up with AMC?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by HuntingBenjamins, Aug 12, 2023.

  1. Curious why the common stock owners are so mad about the judge allowing AMC’s plans to go through. I understand some diluting will go on but seems to me if it was not allowed to go through then the company would surely go bankrupt (which is where I see them one day regardless). But when the judge said ok to the deal on Friday, the stock started bombing. Is this all about the dilution of the stock? 3 weeks ago when the judge originally said no to the deal the stock price doubled and I couldn’t figure out why people would be excited about them surely going bankrupt. What is it I am not understanding?
  2. newwurldmn


    Hedge fund arbs
    MoreLeverage likes this.
  3. maxinger


    Based on the way you wrote, you failed to earn tons of money by shorting AMC.

    AMC used to be very volatile / move extremely massively.

    For the past few months, it has been moving in a very small range (in absolute number).

    It has been on the downtrend since May 2021.
    And it is approaching zero.
    When will it be zero?
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2023
  4. No I don’t have a play on them. Just happen to have seen a story on it but it failed to tell me why the current shareholders are unhappy with the deal.
  5. Overnight


    I thought I read somewhere that the deal also involves a reverse-stock-split. I don't follow stocks much, but isn't a reverse split generally a forewarning of bad? Maybe that is the true catalyst.
  6. Oh you might be right on that. I think I did see a 10:1 reverse split.
  7. zdreg


    Your answer does not meet your usual high quality posts.
    M.W. and Drawdown Addict like this.
  8. The Apes don’t like Aron’s back door dilution. Were you playing the AMC-APE bet? Apes don’t want 1 billion shares to screw them like Bobby did using Hudson.
  9. Please explain, you lost me at anything related to quality.
    #10     Aug 13, 2023