Can a single individual annually earn like 70% to over 100% in the long term?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by GloriaBrown, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. No need to know, I have already described all I know.
    #31     Aug 17, 2014
  2. Marty Schwartz had his records verified and they showed he made like 1000% PER YEAR, for ten years !
    I had a hard time believing it, but apparenty it's true. But that was a long time ago mostly in the 80's I think, just when electronic trading was taking off and you had plenty of inefficiencies to take advantage of.
    It would be impossible to match that today. Another trader who did extremely well was Paul Rotter, he had an unbelievable performance his first couple of years, just research it. My opinion is that these guys were geniuses, probably had some luck too at some point in their career. You can just about forget about being like them. Keep expectations realistic. Trading is a losers game, you really have to be a cut above the rest just to make any money at all over the long run.
    #32     Aug 19, 2014
  3. Were these guys responsible for big funds or retail? I can't see numbers like that being made by any fund, unless they are involved in something super dubious! If they were retail, it could be possible, but they must be traders crafting their trade at a uniquely optimal level.

    Guys that produce numbers like these don't play with luck. The market is the devil that would wash them out along with all the clover leaves ;) These are the type of guys that have such a deep understanding of the markets, that they are able to discover inefficiencies and then design systems to exploit them to their very end.

    It is not really a losers game, rather it has many losers. The guys that have their systems will continue making an income year after year.
    #33     Aug 19, 2014
  4. Then why isn't he a billionaire? If you compound that he would be the richest man on earth earning 1000% every year for 10 years even if he started with $100.00. And reporting percentage gain on small amounts is not useful. If you buy a random options contract for $10, and bet correctly, you can earn 300% in a day. But its still just $30 you've gained.


    Just watched a presentation by him on youtube. Pretty interesting guy. I actually agree with almost everything he said in that presentation. My philosophy is aligned with his in terms of trading.

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
    #34     Aug 19, 2014
  5. Turveyd


    Pretty much everything which is possible, is possible so yes, plausible is a different question.

    Your run into a limits sooner or later, so can't keep growing for ever sadly.

    1. Max your brain can handle losing, $100 per pip for instance would be kinda scarey imho.
    2. Lot size your broker will let you easily trade, without 20 positions of $100 per pip open.
    3. Your trades will start effecting the market eventually.
    4. Your profits have to come from somewhere, 20K per year wouldn't be noticed, 1Mil would be.
    5. The value your broker stops you at :)
    #35     Aug 19, 2014
  6. How about pretty pretty please tell me which forum?
    #36     Aug 19, 2014
  7. Are not costs relative to capital?
    #37     Aug 19, 2014
  8. I cannot find anything from google showing Marty even really traded once, look like the trading record is just self claim without proof. I read few pages of his book, his T magic and trendline are as godlike as his mentor, sinc his mentor can feel the market by touching tape. Sound like more a Star War book than a trading book.

    May the force be with you, Marty.
    #38     Aug 20, 2014
    Alpha Trader likes this.
  9. There is no proof showing Paul even trade at all. Another person saying subjective TA is holy grail without any real trading record.

    #39     Aug 20, 2014
  10. nursebee


    Gloria, yes I think an individual can have that kind of performance over long periods of time. These individuals are at the far end of the bell curve. It only takes a handful of exceptional years over long periods of time to show this kind of track record.
    #40     Aug 20, 2014