Brilliant analysis from the worlds most brilliant macro investor.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by piezoe, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. piezoe


    It's because they work, which has been shown by experience over and over again.
    #21     Mar 29, 2015
  2. loyek590


    how so? Can you give me one example other than the kitchen table families or countless businesses that know it to be common sense? Pretty bad when Keynes common sense, "Borrow and spend when times is bad, save and cut when times is good" sounds like hysterical nonsense.

    At anyrate, I know of no government who has adhered even remotely a little close to the "Raise taxes and cut spending when times are good" part
    #22     Mar 29, 2015
  3. SunTrader


    piezone agrees with the same nonsense you do - and disagree with commonsense.


    Two peas in a pod.

    Best $12 you ever invest "Where Keynes Went Wrong" by Hunter Lewis and send a copy to your Congressman/woman, Senator or both.
    #23     Mar 29, 2015
  4. SunTrader


    Yes mostly Keynesian spend, spend spend. And some giving some tax cuts at various times boom, busts who cares. Do we have the money. Let the kids pay for it.

    Keynes wanted himself and any other elite to determine what is best.

    And once he was gone we got the FED/ECB/BOE/BOJ brilliance.

    Bringing it back to Soros, he says print more money, bring on more bubbles. That way I can make another billion or two.
    #24     Mar 29, 2015
    Tsing Tao likes this.
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Truer words n'er have been spoken.
    #25     Mar 30, 2015
  6. loyek590


    otherwise, Soros is a big believer in big government. In his mind, the little capitalists are just worker bees. To make meaningful change you need to bee in the room with the queen.

    my favorite quote, "If you believe government is bad you will create a bad government."

    so today we have one side trying to create a good government
    and the other side believes government is bad
    #26     Mar 31, 2015
  7. SunTrader


    Bad people can be put in jail. Government can't

    So government (i.e. power) needs to be controlled, not the other way around.
    #27     Mar 31, 2015
  8. loyek590


    yes well, isn't that the debate? What is the role of government? Have we gotten so big that individuals can simply pay their taxes or go to jail and all important decisions are made by the government?

    Talk about irrational markets. Nothing is more irrational than the government when it gets a hair up it's ass.

    If you can't beat them join them.
    #28     Mar 31, 2015