Best Discretionary Trading Prop firms

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by nemesis45, May 31, 2014.

  1. or post a link so we can all share in the answers ;0)

    It's so annoying reading these threads where everyone says "use the search function"...

    Well, guess what.. i used the search function and this thread popped up... without any answers.
    #21     Jun 18, 2014
  2. I know First New York Securities and consolidated trading.
    Trillium seems to be doing only equities.

    FNYS - seems hard for a foreigner to get in, unless they sponsor visa.
    Havent contacted consolidated trading yet.
    #22     Jun 18, 2014
  3. Maverick74


    Some basic advice here. And a lot of guys on ET make this mistake. But the first question you need to ask yourself here is "what EXACTLY do I want to do". Be extremely specific. FNYS and Consolidated have absolutely nothing in common and one that work at FNYS would never work at Consolidated and vice versa. It's like saying I want to play a professional sport, don't care which one. Well, you better care which one because most sports require completely different skill sets. You can't just apply at any prop firm, you have to target a type of firm where your skills match up with what you have and it's the type of trading you want to do or even can do. But you have to ask and answer that first question before you even get started or don't bother. Interviewers are really good at weeding out the desperate guy or girl that applies everywhere and will take anything.
    #23     Jun 19, 2014
  4. spencer


    Not sure what you mean by 'descretionary' (I understand what you're referring to)... there is no such thing as successful/real active trading that doesn't involve high objectivity, which means it may be coded to a large/all extent, even for 'non-HFT' ...unfortunately being a trader today means having CS skill, which is a drag, but will rule you out of any hope of a 'real' finance job, be it at a prop firm like DRW or your own firm. If you can't code, you won't be a successful trader. Proper execution is a third of the job, and on most days, is all of your job. Managing code externally and running your economic logic that way, while leaving the tedious order executions to a properly written and deployed script is how trading today is done professionally, fwiw.

    Many prop firms will demand experience or some nice academic affiliation. Job offers are scarce outside of December-May recruiting to my best knowledge.

    It's great to be interested in this but know the limits of being a professional and wasting your time. I was a 'nonprofessional' while younger with just an interest, but became involved for completely separate reasons (because it was one of few good career paths that fit both my values while also being 'real' 'immediately possible' and 'tried and true'...since that point, nothing glamorous at fact, it was to the contrary!)

    Side note - majority of 'stuff' on ET is in the larger category for better or for worse...inject a little hotshot-expert provocations and also odd egos, and ET is more of a hotbed for comedy than legitimate trading. All of the good outlets for finance messaging are largely useless if you do not have networking connections or work for a large bank. Just saying! :)
    #24     Jun 20, 2014
  5. SPYgrain


    I am new on forum looking for opportunity with a firm or a well capitalized backer. I am undocumented - going at it solo for 18 years...spurty results.
    Anyway, I am clear on what I'm looking for and what I can offer.
    Expertise is day & swing trading SPY wkly options and grain futures/options. I have some Real doc results and paper/sim results.
    Do you know of anyone willing to give "undiscovered talent" a shot. After training and bonding with team, I would prefer remote working if firms even consider that type of arrangement.
    thanks for any direction,
    #25     Jun 20, 2014
  6. I already told what i want.
    Isnt this a bit vague, why dont you share what you know .
    How is it possible to kow what kind of trading styles or approach is there at each firm, unless you know someone working with them.

    I think my current firm is good. I am going to stick.
    #26     Jun 20, 2014
  7. Creativity cannot be coded. some part of systems may need you to be creative. :)
    That said, i have coding skills. Academic Affiliation too will not be an issue.
    Neither am i looking for anything glamorous :)
    I am not interested in starting as an intern or such, or any job where i dont get to trade.

    Yes, i guess networking is going to be a key.
    #27     Jun 20, 2014
  8. Maverick74


    Nemisis, it's your job to FIND out what these firms do. It's like a pre-interview if you will. If you are not resourceful enough to accomplish a simple task of finding out what a particular firm's specialty is, how the hell are you going to be creative enough to locate some unique trading opportunity. Consolidated and FNYS have nothing in common. It would be like saying I'm an accountant but I'll take an engineering job if it's available. LOL.

    Share what I know? Maybe that was a joke on your part, I have close to 20k posts on this forum and this might shock you, but I would venture a guess at least 2k are on prop trading. Again, just like researching firms, you can use the search function to read all that I have shared. I'm not going to re-write those 2k posts when they can be seen via a simple search.
    #28     Jun 20, 2014
  9. Maverick74


    Do you have a regular job? What is your background?
    #29     Jun 20, 2014
  10. SPYgrain


    my formal ed is math/natural science. Trading has been my job for better & worse - let's simply say it takes what it takes in life to realize ones gift/craft and the discipline required to execute as a profession...

    Was taught a specific tech methodolgy in 1999 - have perfected it over the years.
    have learned pyramiding in grains with real capital (7-10X ROI in 1 month or less) and 10-15%/week simulated acct. on Spy wkly options.
    #30     Jun 20, 2014