Alexis Tsipras' "open letter" to German citizens

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Tsing Tao, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Sorry. I have no idea what you are on about here. You seem to actually be going out of your way to get into an argument with me. We're agreeing with almost everything, yet you continue to want to point out stuff I'm making up or something.

    So you believe that it was possible and likely the debt would have been repaid as it was originally intended when lent out? Because if you do, then you join the group of people in #2 above who were fools to believe the Greeks would adhere to the type of extreme austerity they had "agreed" to.

    But that's not how it was presented. The bailout was presented (by the media, etc) as a bailout to the Greek people. In fact, using the words Greek Bailout actually infers the Greeks are getting the benefit of the money. This was not the case, so it is deception. Intentionally or not, it's deception.

    Yes, my existence on ET is posting. What is yours? Are you writing code for Baron?

    You took my comments, reshuffled them and re-presented them. Tell me, are you a consultant in your day job?

    Good day!
    #1111     Apr 20, 2015
  2. You should read my post again you seem extremely confused ...because I think you yourself don't even know anymore what point you try to make in this thread.

    And please write a letter to all the media outlets in the world and complain how they got their Greek bailout story so miserably messed up; this is the only issue that you seem so confused about as we clarified all others for you.

    #1112     Apr 20, 2015
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Again, same commentary, mixed up further and regurgitated over again. It's not my fault if you refuse to admit something.

    Have a happy day!
    #1113     Apr 21, 2015
  4. I do not know where you got the idea from that anyone expected Greece to repay in full its original debt it incurred. Nobody claimed so.

    Risking to repeat infinitely many times, I think everyone knows that the main intent of the "bailouts" was to repay private creditors. Banks were over exposed to Greece and Greek debt. There was a real risk of contagion at the height of the crisis and the bailouts successfully contained the risk of contagion. I mean, seriously, dude/chap/mate/kumpel/kamerade: The math and logic is on the level of 3rd graders, which part are you experiencing blockage?

    AGAIN, all debt schedules were 100% transparent and even kids could surf to uncountable websites and look when and how much Greece owed/owes its creditors and when repayments of interest and principal are due and to whom. So, if you understand that if you owe money to party A, B, and C, and you get bailed out by party D, that you have no obligations to repay party A, B, C on time and in agreed amounts then you are truly retarded. Everyone knew from the start that private creditors and other creditors that were owed money would receive most of the bail out moneys. Which part was nebulous or badly communicated? Are you getting so hung up on the term "bail out"? Yes Greece was not "bailed out", creditors were. Are you happy now?

    Those are ridiculous word games you are playing.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015
    #1114     Apr 22, 2015
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Ah, silly me. I just figured when you lend someone money, you want to be repaid.

    No blockage here. What about you?

    When the "bailout" (which I see below you are agreeing should not have been called such) was sold to the public, no one said anything about bailing out creditors. This is partly because "bank bailouts" were so very unpopular. So it was billed as something else to the public (not the investing/trading public, the unwashed masses, so to speak). Billing it as something it wasn't was deceptive.

    I've been happy the whole time. But I'm pleased that you now agree it shouldn't have been billed as a bailout.
    #1115     Apr 22, 2015
  6. You are the only one who seems to feel deceived and betrayed. I wonder why? After all by your own admission the only affiliation you have with Greece is the time during your honeymoon you spent there.

    But hey, heads up , you misunderstood the word bailout and feel deceived , now you understand the cause for your displeasure and can move on.

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
    #1116     Apr 23, 2015
  7. People, I can happily report that the thread can finally put to rest!!! Yes....TsingTao figured out why he is so unhappy. He thought the term "bailout" refers to all Danish, Germans, Scandinavians, French, Dutch and others forgiving each and every last penny of our Greek friends. But looks like the Greeks got fuxxed GREEK this time. I am happy that we all could solve Tsingtao's conundrum.
    #1117     Apr 23, 2015
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I don't feel deceived OR betrayed.

    But that doesn't mean the troika wasn't guilty of deception.
    #1118     Apr 23, 2015
  9. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Actually, the thread is just getting warmed up again. Greece is back in the headlines daily, and I'll be posting just for you! Think of it this way, by confining you to raving on this thread, I'm keeping you from pissing off the other half of the website in your race to make "as many friends as you can".
    #1119     Apr 23, 2015
  10. Really? From the likes I do not see I piss off all that many. Seems like more than every 10th post of mine is appreciated which can certainly not be said about your posting stats even if you take away all posts before upvoting was introduced. Not that I care much about such stats but they just happen to directly contradict your statements.

    And about Greece, don't get all excited, your questions have all been answered, if you so want then Europe acted deceptively and cheated all the poor Greek bastards. You can rest peacefully again. And yes, at some point Greece will run out of money and eventually will declare default and Europe will either keep Greece in or out of the Eurozone. So what? If or when that happens and if or when that impacts certain asset classes I trade then I will not waste my time to talk or post like you seem to do day in day out but act.

    In that, please feel welcome to supply horses and tigers with your incredibly important news clips. I am sure your life passion and work is appreciated by at least someone...

    #1120     Apr 23, 2015